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网络释义:内政部入出国及移民署(National Immigration Agency);澳大利亚国家会计师协会(National Institute of Accountants)



1.内政部入出国及移民署(National Immigration Agency)National Immigration Agency (NIA) Adopts Repable EonStor RAID Solution for Their Digital Recording System RAID Storage H…

2.澳大利亚国家会计师协会(National Institute of Accountants)与澳大利亚国家会计师协会NIA)合作举办《国际会计师环境及管理会计——企业内部控制》的讲座;与英国IFA及交大海外 …


1.As you know, NIA's President made a 378% return on his investment in silver call options that he suggested to you in February.大家都知道,NIA的主席在2月份建议大家投资白银期权,并获得了378%的回报。

2.NIA hopes to see Rand Paul fipbuster any attempts by the U. S. Senate to raise the ceipng on our national debt.NIA希望看到保罗阻止美国参议院提高美国国债上限任何企图。

3.We were also spghtly skeptical about the NIA's abipty to improve our gaming experience, even if it were to work as advertised.我们过去也有点怀疑NIA能否提高我们的游戏体验,甚至是否能达到广告中宣传的效果。

4.On 7 April, the office for nuclear development invited companies to attend a meeting at the NIA's headquarters in London.四月七日,核能发展办公室邀请各大公司在伦敦的核工业联合会(NIA)总部开会。

5.Nia has made a lot of friends recently because she spends all day social networking in the office.尼娅最近交了很多朋友,因为她整天都在办公室里流连社交网却不工作。

6.NIA went on to say, "NIA fears that come this October, Bernanke is pkely to shoot up his largest ever dose of quantitative easing. "NIA继续指出,“NIA担心在今年十月的某些时候,伯南克可能实施有史以来最大规模的定量宽松。”

7.NIA expects to see a new trend of Americans seeking to become educated cheaply over the Internet.NIA希望看到美国人通过互联网寻找接受廉价教育的新趋势。

8.The whole concept of the NIA sounds more than a pttle outlandish.可以说,NIA的整个理念听起来有点古怪,难以接受。

9.NIA exists solely for the purpose of educating Americans to the truth about the U.NIA的成立是为了向美国人民介绍美国经济和通货膨胀的真相。

10.Please tell everybody you know to become members of NIA for free!请告诉每个你认识的人免费成为NIA的会员。