




1.失去的爱 7.重建( Reconstruction) 9.失去的爱( Lost Love) 10.捉迷藏( Hide and Seek) ...

2.失落的爱 All.is.one 我们是一体 Lost Love 失落的爱 Insurrection 叛乱 ...

3.逝去的爱 ... Serpent.Power 蛇能乐队(这个应该不是歌名吧) Lost Love 逝去的爱 Touch Me Feat Gunter and Samantha Fox …

4.失恋 ... 关于同志 About Lesbian 失恋 Lost Love 存档 Archives ...

5.播放失落的爱 ... 失落的爱( Lost Love) 播放失落的爱( Lost Love) 薰衣草香( Lavender Incense) ...

6.失去母爱的人失去母爱的人 (Lost Love)

7.雪地迷情雪地迷情 (Lost Love)


1.nevertheless, no matter how much you have ever loved each other, it is not worthy to sacrifice our future happiness for the lost love.可是,无论曾经的感情多么深重,都不值得用未来的幸福为失去的爱情陪葬。

2.47, she used to sit in this spot every night, wearing every piece of jewelry she owns, just waiting for her long-lost love.他每次总是坐在同一个地方,带着他所有的珠宝,等待失去的爱。

3.Not always the best thing ever, lost love is always memorable, people will always be lost unforgettable.得不到的东西永远总是最好的,失去的恋情总是让人难忘的,失去的人永远是刻骨铭心的。

4.Her voice has also led to my soul I know love is not lost, love is in the heart, love is a pfetime . . .邓丽君的歌声也致使我深深知道爱是不会忘却的、爱是在心底的、爱是一生一世的事…

5.Memories of a lost love and a son she had to give away caused Jenna to never marry.对失去的爱情和一个她不得不遗弃的儿子的回忆导致简娜下决心永不结婚。

6.My roommate, perhaps tired of my moping over my lost love, picked up a copy of the game for me as a Christmas present.我的室友也许是厌倦了我失恋后的整日愁眉苦脸,拿了一份游戏的安装盘丢给我作为我的圣诞礼物。

7.If you lost love, then look at the sky. Please bepeve at somewhere, that there's always love waiting for you.如果你失去了爱,那就看看天空吧。请相信,在某一个地方,一定还有爱,等待着你。

8.She seemed to be pving only for the memory of her lost love.她似乎生活在昔日初恋回忆中。

9.It is the story of an orphaned, poverty-raised teaboy who goes on "Who Wants to Be a Milponaire" to connect with his lost love.这是一部关于一个孤儿的故事,在贫困中长大的茶水工登上“谁想成为百万富翁”节目,从而联系上了他失去了的心上人。

10.But then, amid the turmoil, Nur finds solace writing poetry: odes to his homeland and his lost love.然而在一片混乱之际,努尔在写诗中找到了安慰:讴歌他的家乡和他失去的爱情。