

Louis I

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un.1.路易一世(778—840,世称le Débonnaire,the Pious,法国国王及神圣罗马帝国皇帝,在位期间814—840)

1.路易一世 路易十四世 Louis XIV 路易一世 Louis I 路易二世 Louis II ...

2.路易斯一世成了一个艺术保护中心。1347年,新堡被匈牙利路易斯一世louis i)的军队洗劫,在乔安娜一世女王(queen joanna i)时 …



1.LESTAT: Louis, I'm so glad you're here. I've dreamed of this moment. She never should have been one of us. . .莱斯特:路易,我是多么高兴见到你啊。我一直梦见这一刻。她从不该成为我们中的一员……

2.Louis: I finally got Mary Jane to go out with me.路易斯:我终于让玛丽珍答应和我约会了。

3.LESTAT: If you stayed with me Louis, I could venture out again. . . become the old Lestat.莱斯特:如果你留在我身边,路易,我能再次活过来……变成从前那个莱斯特。

4.Garfield: Louis, I think you and I have an account still, remember? The macadamia nut cookies?加菲:路易斯,我还有一笔帐要算,记得吗?那些坚果饼干?

5.if you stayed with me louis, i could venture out again. become the old lestat.要是你愿意陪我,路易,我能再次活过来…成为畴前阿谁列斯达。

6.ECONOMY Racine (to his son Louis): I know your handwriting well enough, without your having to sign your name.简洁。雷森(对他儿子路易斯)说:我熟悉你的字迹,没必要签你的大名。

7.Rick: Louis , I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.里克对警察局局长说:我想这是我们友谊的开始。

8.LOUIS: I took your pfe. He gave you another one.我要了你的命,而他把命还给了你。

9.Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.路易斯,我认为这是一段美好友谊的开始。

10.Louis I do love the Macadamias. Sorry rat-pack. This cat's with me. You all gotta roll. Go ahead, roll out.我确实很喜欢果仁饼干。对不起,伙计们,这只猫是我的朋友。你们都散了吧,走吧,散了吧。