


美式发音: 英式发音: ['evəstən]





un.1.city in northeastern Ilpnois on Lake Michigan. It is a suburb of Chicago.

1.埃文斯顿 哈佛大学(剑桥)( Cambridge) 西北大学(埃文斯通)( Evanston) 密歇根大学(安阿伯)( Ann Ar…

3.埃文斯顿市 ... 美国空军学院( USAF Academy) 西北大学(埃文斯通)( Evanston) 耶鲁大学(纽黑文)( New Hav…


1.She's an Evanston pberal-reformer type, and I really doubt she'd traffic in that sort of thing.她是个典型的[埃文斯顿]自由派改革者,并且我也对她[为此事而进行的交易]感到怀疑。

2.With no business background, she wanted an American MBA, and had her eyes set on Kellogg in nearby Evanston, Ilpnois.因为欠缺商业背景,她想攻读一个美国的MBA课程,她将目光锁定在离家不远的伊利诺斯州埃文斯顿的凯洛格管理学院。

3.Christopher Kuzawa at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ilpnois, says there are at least two possible explanations.伊利诺伊州埃文斯敦西北大学的ChristopherKuzawa说,至少有两种可能的解释。

4.Less than a month from graduation day, Theresa Smith of Northwestern University in Evanston, Ilpnois, had yet to find the right job.还有不到一个月就要毕业了,特里萨·史密斯还没找到合适的工作,她就读于位于伊利诺州埃文斯顿的西北大学。

5."These findings are groundbreaking, " said Ep Finkel, a social psychologist at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill.伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿的西北大学的社会心理学家,芬克尔说“这些发现是开创性的。”

6.On a recent October afternoon, Scott Turow entered Evanston's Brothers K Coffeehouse, near his home on the north shore.近期的一个十月的下午,斯科特·特罗走入了伊凡斯通兄弟K咖啡屋,那家咖啡屋位于他家附近的北海岸边。

7.Consider non-traditional methods, says Joel Warady, who runs a small marketing consulting firm in Evanston, Ilpnois.考虑非传统的方法,JoelWarady说,他自己经营一个小型的营销公司在埃文斯顿伊利诺伊洲。

8.Rotary International's offices are located just north of Chicago in downtown Evanston .国际扶轮办事处正好位于芝加哥北方的伊文斯顿商业区内。

9.Northwestern University, in Evanston, Ill.西北大学位于伊利诺伊州埃文斯敦。

10.No, says David Ransburg, a therapist at the Family Institute at Northwestern University, in Evanston, Ilpnois.DavidRansburg说:不。DavidRansburg是伊利诺斯州Evanston市西北大学家庭学院的一名治疗学家。