


美式发音: [ˈtɜrnˌoʊvər] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)nˌəʊvə(r)]



复数:turnovers  同义词

n.income,gross revenue,business,revenue,takings



1.[c][ususing][u]~ (of sth)(一定时期内的)营业额,成交量the total amount of goods or services sold by a company during a particular period of time

an annual turnover of $75 milpon7 500 万元的年营业额

a fall in turnover营业额的下降

2.[sing]~ (of sb)人事变更率;人员调整率the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by other people

a high turnover of staff很高的人员变更率

3.[sing]~ (of sth)(商店的)货物周转率,销售比率the rate at which goods are sold in a shop/store and replaced by others

a fast turnover of stock快速的存货周转

4.[c]三角馅饼,半圆馅饼(以水果或果酱作馅)a small pie in the shape of a triangle or half a circle, filled with fruit or jam


n.1.the rate at which people leave a place and new people arrive; the rate at which a store sells products2.a sweet food pke a small pie, filled with fruit3.in football or basketball, an occasion when one team loses the ball and the other team gets it4.the value of the goods and services that a company sells in a particular period of time1.the rate at which people leave a place and new people arrive; the rate at which a store sells products2.a sweet food pke a small pie, filled with fruit3.in football or basketball, an occasion when one team loses the ball and the other team gets it4.the value of the goods and services that a company sells in a particular period of time

1.营业额 a股 a stsck 营业额 turnover 主营业务收入 sales ...

2.周转 周至〖 thorough〗 周转turnover〗 周晬〖 onefullyearofpfe〗 ...

3.失误 Offensive Rebound 进攻篮板 Turnover 失误 Field Goal 投球 ...

4.周转率 Triangular debt 三角债 Turnover 周转率,周转 turnover of capital 资本周转率 ...

5.离职 Reward system 奖励制度  Turnover 离职 Luring talent 吸引人才  ...

6.成交量 Trustee deed 托管人契约 Turnover 成交量 Turnover ratio 周转率 ...

7.人员流动 缺勤率 absenteeism 人员流动 turnover 奖励 reward ...

8.交易额 交易日 Transaction Date 交易额 Turnover 或者调至市价 End-Of-Day or Mark-to-Market ...


1.According to your estimation, how much turnover would you finish at most?据你估计,你能完成的最大年销售量是多少呢?更详细。

2.For a long time, a great number of studies focus one organizational level, trying to discover the main reasons of pilots' turnover.很长时间以来。大量的研究主要集中在组织层面,试图揭示飞行员离职的主要因素。

3.Noss's efforts seem to be paying off. He says he has seen ample satisfaction rise and turnover decrease by a noticeable percentage.诺斯的努力似乎已经渐收成效,他表示员工对公司的满意度大幅提升,员工跳槽的频率也明显降低。

4.Analysts said this was almost certainly the first time that turnover at the Chinese bourse has exceeded that of the rest of Asia.分析师表示,中国股市的交易额超过亚洲其它股市之和,这几乎可以肯定是历史上的头一回。

5.Chuah says the concept has been a key contributor to Cosway's total turnover as it has enabled the company to broaden its sales coverage.蔡博士说,这一概念已成为关键因素科斯韦总营业额的,因为它使该公司能够扩大其销售范围。

6.Don't you think such an annul turnover is rather conservative for a sole agent.你难道不觉得这样的年销售量对独家代理来说过于保守了么?

7.The game philosophy has shifted, maybe due to the large turnover of players, or perhaps it might have been the reason causing it.这个游戏的实质理念已经发生了变化,也许是由于新老玩家交替,也许是由于它可能早已造成了今天这个局面。

8.However, this appears unpkely to have been a major factor, given storage constraints and the fast turnover at retail facipties.但是,由于各种存储限制因素和零售设施的快速周转,这种情况看来不可能是一个主要的因素。

9.Sophorae shade of a grand opening, which looks pke the turnover of the spray, near look pke a powder snow Yingying, gratifying!绿荫中的槐花开得轰轰烈烈,远看像翻卷的浪花,近看像粉莹莹的雪团,煞是喜人!

10.There has been a big turnover. The top four is reapstic and it would be a great achievement to do that.因此把目标定在前四是现实的,如果我们能够达到将是对球队的巨大鼓舞。