




1.爱已降临 ... 06 Rivers Of Love 爱河 07 Love Come 爱已降临 08 Out Of Tune 失序 ...

2.爱情喜剧 爱情咖啡馆 Cafe 欢迎爱光临- Love Come 真爱挑日子- One Day ...

4.山岚的颜色 (Princess of Iron Fan)《 爱情喜剧》 (Love Come)《 山岚的颜色》 (Out of Sight)《 公路列车》 ...


1.Combine the first five big boy just pke an angel come to earth, love come, complete the definition of honor.而至上励合的五个大男孩就像降临人间的天使,大爱降临,完整光荣的定义。

2.Slow down and let the one you love come to you for best results.放慢脚步,等待你爱的那个人走进你才是最好的选择。

3.You must be happy, because you are not happy, let me once shame my love come down.你一定要幸福,因为你不幸福,会让我曾经倾泻的爱惭愧得撕心裂肺。

4.Out of the fire of love, come ashes.走出爱火,冷静下来吧。

5.Your missing me or not won't make my love come or go.你的想念我或不想念我不会是我的爱来或走。

6.Ride with me, my love, come ride with me.来,我的爱人,同我一道驰骋飞奔。

7.In love? Really? 24 hours with some wine-pourer chick and you're fucking in love? Come on! And you're gonna give up everything?真的爱上了?和某个倒酒的少妇在一起24小时你就他妈的爱上她了?你想放弃一切吗?

8.Come and get your love, come and get your love, come and get your love.来吧,让您的爱,来得到你的爱,来得到你的爱。

9.What love come fast, go too fast, pork roll eternal only.爱情来的快,去的也快,只有猪肉卷是永恒的。

10.Ilyena, my love! Come to me, my wife. You must see this.依莲娜,亲爱的!来啊,我的妻子。你一定要看看这个。