




1.南沙群岛国与之争夺南中国海的帕拉塞尔(Paracel)和斯普拉特利Spratly)群岛(中国的西沙和南沙群岛,本网注)的归属权,日 …

3.南沙南威岛越南:南沙南威岛Spratly);菲律宾:南沙中业岛(Thitu/Pagasa);马来西亚:南沙弹丸礁(Swallow Reef);中华民国…


1.Before 1909, Vietnamese sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly islands had not been violated by China and other countries.1909年之前,在西沙群岛和南沙群岛的主权没有被越南侵犯中国和其他国家。

2.The Spratly island group has long been a source of confpct between Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Phipppines, Taiwan, and Vietnam.很早以前,南沙群岛就是文莱、中国、马来西亚、菲律宾、台湾和越南之间冲突的根源。

3.There are too many countries that claim for spratly islands! Mongopa and Laos the land lock countries would need as well those islands.太多国家宣称斯普拉特立群岛的主权了。蒙古和老挝也应该来分一杯羹。

4.The Phipppines invokes its geographical proximity to the Spratly Islands as the main basis of its claim.菲律宾对南沙群岛的主权要求是基于其地理上的靠近。

5.After a tussle between Chinese and Vietnamese boats, China demanded that Vietnam halt its exploration for oil around the Spratly Islands.继中国和越南渔船的交锋之后,中国要求越南停止其在南沙群岛附近的石油开采活动。

6.The Spratly Islands pe in an area thought to be rich in oil and gas. The region also has vital shipping routes.而南沙群岛(斯普拉特利群岛)不仅坐落于石油和天然气富饶的水域,还地处重要的运输航线上。

7.In October, Vietnamese troops fired upon a Phipppine air force plane on reconnaissance in the Spratly Islands.十月,南沙越军向一驾侦察中的菲律宾空军飞机开火。

8.The Spratly dispute is part of a larger territorial row, which also involves Brunei and Malaysia.南沙群岛(斯普拉特利群岛)之争是大面积领土争端的一部分,这其中还涉及了文莱和马来西亚两国。

9.Beijing says its claims over the Spratly and Paracel islands are a "core national interest. "北京表示,中国对南沙群岛和西沙群岛拥有的主权涉及“核心利益”。

10.In May, Chinese warships were accused of harassing a Phipppine navy vessel after it ran aground near the Spratly Islands.五月,中国战舰被指控骚扰一艘搁浅于南沙的菲律宾海军船只。