




1.爱地球地四川,我们本着原生态(Entironment)、爱地球Love The Earth)、爱自己(Love Of Self)的信念,坚持信任天然护肤…

2.地球之爱 ... 十字绣图稿书-弹琴时间( Piano Hour) 十字绣图稿书-地球之爱( Love the Earth) 十字绣图稿书-咖啡( Coffee) ...


1.The storm is pke the cry of some god in pain whose love the earth refuses .狂风暴雨犹如被大地拒绝爱情的某位天神在痛楚中发出的恸哭。

2.But to have more attractions, deeper understanding, which is home to category Love the Earth, and calls to the call.而是要对景点有更多的、更深层次的了解,这是要类对地球家园爱的呼唤与呐喊。

3.Boys and girls, let's love the earth and let's take care of her.男孩和女孩,让我们爱这个地球,让我们好好照顾她。

4.We want to protect, love the earth to afforest, beautify the earth, our earth mother always young.我们要来保护、爱护地球,要来绿化、美化地球,使我们的地球母亲永远年轻。

5.Gu love the earth is hard, is lazy and Desperate vanity.大地顾恋的是勤奋,绝情的是懒惰和虚荣。

6.I can honestly say I love the earth and mean it.我可以发自内心的说我爱地球,我也是这么想的。

7.Love the earth if only we have the love, we will know who we are.只要我们热爱地球,我们就会知道自己是谁。

8.Love the earth and it will love us back and hopefully there won't be so many terrible disasters pke the one in Japan.爱大地,它会把我们爱回来,希望不会有那么多可怕的灾难发生就像在日本。

9.Members are some love the earth, attention to environmental protection, to protect our earth do an own strength.会员都是些热爱地球、关注环境保护的人,愿意为保护我们的地球尽自己的一份力量。

10.The earth is our common mother, and we can not tolerate any harm to the mother, let us join hands and love the earth, protecting the mother.地球是我们共同的母亲,我们不能容忍任何伤害母亲的行为,让我们共同携手,爱护地球,保护母亲。