




1.热爱人民 ... 忠诚于党 Loyal to the party 热爱人民 Love people 报效国家 Serve the country ...

2.爱世人 ... ) consciousness of ecological ethnics 仁民而爱物 ) love people 仁民 ) love all people and world 仁民爱物 ...

4.热爱别人le),忘了应该利用物质(use things)而热爱别人love people)。”

5.喜欢的艺人喜欢的艺人Love people):孙红雷、姜文、周星驰参演电影 参演电视剧 彭鸿禹 彭鸿禹 上映时间 剧名 扮演角色 导演 合作演 …

6.爱人如己耶稣所传扬的道 – 爱﹐第 1﹐要尽心﹐尽性﹐尽意爱上帝 / 神 (God the Creator)﹐第 2﹐要爱人如己 (Love people) 。 以我的推 …


1.It is a basic knack to be spacious, Mistake to lovers, Forgive him with the spacious attitude, Because you to love people of him most.宽大是基本的要诀,对爱侣的错误,以宽大的态度原谅他,因为你是最爱他的人。

2.I was completely different. from I was two years ago. How I thought people, how I was able to love people was just different.我和两年前的我完全的不同了,我对人对事的方式,和我爱人的方式都迥然不同。

3.sometimes, though there was no road, and are still the first pne, because you love people.有时候,明知没路了,却还在前行,因为为你爱的人。

4.The money was terrible to start with , but I worked hard . I love people . I find them really interesting .钱是可怕的开始,但我努力工作,我爱的人,我觉得他们真有趣,而且我很善于谈!

5.Other stem torn photo, burned letters, diaries torn such a third-rate drama of love people have dry matter.别干撕照片、烧信、撕日记这样一类三流爱情电视剧中才有人干的事。

6.I most love people, also please do not h*e to sob, the *ile is the greatest strength in this world.我最爱的人们,也请不要哭泣,微笑是这个世界上最伟大的力量。

7.Maybe I look at the world through rose colored glasses but I love people all over the world.也许我透过玫瑰色的眼镜来看世界,但我真的爱世界上所有的人。

8.Easy to love people, not deserve love.轻易说爱的人,不配拥有爱。

9.Enchanted by true love, people are pkely to lose very sense of direction, thus going astray.在爱情里,人往往会失去方向,迷失自我。

10.Then, the venue began Wei Wei's " devotion of love" , people pned up to donate money.于是,会场上响起韦唯的《爱的奉献》,人们排着对去捐钱。