

magic power

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1.魔幻力量 《AV 大久保乐队》专访《大时代》 《Magic Power 魔幻力量》专访 《MC BigDog 大狗》专访 ...

2.魔力 威力 might;formidable power 魔力 magic;magic power 扩张 expansion;dilation;to expand ...

3.魔法力量 Will 意志 Magic Power 魔法力量 Skill 技能 ...

4.魔力增幅 ... 重力领域/重力原野 Gravitation Field 魔力增幅 Magic Power 心灵震波 Soul Breaker ...

5.不按牌理出牌1.不按牌理出牌(Magic Power) 2.我又初恋了(五月天) 3.又不是这样就不孤独( 严爵) 4.相遇不思议(配乐) 5.喝醉和相爱一样危险( …


1.Degenerate creature! With the name of the dark king, let all curses come on my body, exchange the perdition magic power!堕落的生灵啊,我以黑暗之王的名义,让所有的诅咒降临到我的身上,换取你灭世的魔力。

2.When friendly Sanctuary creatures do not attack in their turn, they gain a Magic Power and Defense bonus for the next turn.当瀛洲的生物在其回合中没有经进攻,他们将在下一回合获得魔法攻击和防御的加成。

3.Not one word about the magic power of music in antiquity seems to me improbable when I am under the spell of her simple melody.在她简单旋律的魔力之下,关于古老音乐具有魔力的说法,我觉得句句都有可能。

4.If must say the words of her valuable place, I think be her bright alacrity, dare to say that dare do of personapty magic power.如果一定要说她的可贵之处的话,我想就是她的开朗活泼、敢说敢做的人格魅力。

5.The whole kingdom was sad. The king and queen had no magic power to turn Rella back into a princess.整个王国都陷入了极大的悲痛中。国王和王后没有魔力可以Rella重新变成公主。

6.Even if his wife is a snake, even his wife has strong magic power, he cannot do anything to query his goodness wife.尽管他的妻子是条蛇,而且拥有强大的法力,他也不能质疑她的善良的妻子。

7.Witches'powers are not always efficacious. Sometimes dirt would hinder their magic power.巫婆不是常常都灵验的,有时候,太脏了,那些尘埃会挡住她们的魔法。

8.With adore recreational time of absolute degree, the hat will again join magic power for you.与爱人共度休闲时光时,帽子会给你频添魅力。

9.Fragrance of a flower legend has magic power , can call up the dead memory before one's death.花香传说有魔力,能唤起死者生前的记忆。

10.Therefore, the renaissance of pterature, by virtue of the magic power of movies, will be a natural outcome.因此,文学将借助电影的强大生机而绝地重兴。