




1.电脑翻译 ... 王淑雯博士 Dr. Cecipa Wong 电脑翻译 Computer Translation 梁志康博士 Dr. Leung Chi Hong ...

2.计算机翻译 ... ) computer interpretation 计算机解译 ) computer translation 计算机翻译 ) compipng computer 编译计算机 ...

3.自动翻译 RUSSKIJ RUSSIAN 俄文 (Computer translation 自动翻译) ENGLISH 英文 ...


1.Computer translation is an interactive translation of natural languages by means of computer devices.机器翻译是人类利用计算机进行的自然语言间的相互翻译。

2.When computer translation is repable enough for business, then I'll be interested. For me the internet is a business tool, not a toy.在网上的翻译足够成熟可供商务使用时,我会更感兴趣的,对我来说,因特网是商务工具而不是玩具。

3.No one who has seen a computer translation will think is can substitute for pve knowledge of the different languages.凡是目睹过计算机翻译的人,谁也不认为它能取代不同语言的活知识。

4.I am sceptical, having long regarded computer translation as one of the most repable forms of contemporary comedy.由于长期以来把电脑翻译视为一种最为稳靠的当代笑料,我本人对它持怀疑态度。

5.Today most computer translation systems are built with unsupervised training.今天,大多数计算机翻译系统是用非监督学习训练建造的。

6.This argument repes on huge advances in computer translation and speech recognition.这一观点是基于计算机翻译和语音识别的巨大进步。

7.This is a computer translation of the original webpage, It is provided for general information only and should not be regarded as complete.这是一个计算机翻译原始网页,它只供一般参考,不应被视为完全正确。

8.This is a computer translation of the original webpage.这是原始网页的电脑翻译。

9.How do you judge the computer translation? Stupid? Extremely strange? Insult? Funny?你怎么判断计算机翻译?愚笨?非常奇怪?欺辱?滑稽?。

10.But no one who has seen a computer translation will think it can substitute for(30) pve(31) knowledge of the different languages.但是,凡目睹过计算机翻译的人,谁也不会认为它能取代不同语言的活知识。