




1.凑热闹巧音),寂寞的季节(陶喆),寂寞在唱什么(群星),凑热闹by two),dna(by two),if you come to me(Atomic Kitt…

2.朋友就是朋友当我们走在一起 朋友的朋友就是朋友(by two~)让我们一起大声放肆尖叫 B Y T W O~当我们走在一起 紧紧靠 大家凑热闹(by two…

3.他都不爱我他都不爱我BY TWO


1.It was a pity, that cop. Out of all kinds of dangers, he was done in by two petty thieves trying to steal electric cables.那个交警很可惜啊,居然被两个偷电缆的小东西给搞翻了。

2.It is said that when he was murdered by two subordinates, his body was buried in Lang Zhong and his head brought to Yunyang.相传他被两个部下所谋害,遗体埋在阆中,头颅葬于云阳。

3.Earth seems to have its first fuzzy photos of apen planets outside our solar system, images captured by two teams of astronomers.地球似乎有太阳系外其他行星的模糊影像,两个天文队也拍摄了这些行星的图像。

4.Secondly, drafting wills must be witnessed by two or more witnesses, including one for the scrivener.第二,代书遗嘱必须有两个以上见证人在场见证,其中一人可为代书人。

5.He would have been killed when stuffed7 into a bronze jar for 13 months by two giants but for the rescue by his brother Hermes.他曾被两个巨人塞进青铜大瓮,囚禁13月之久,若不是他兄弟赫尔墨斯的营救,他早已丧生其中。

6.A testator may, in an emergency situation, make a nuncupative will, which shall be witnessed by two or more witnesses.遗嘱人在危急情况下,可以立口头遗嘱。口头遗嘱应当有两个以上见证人在场见证。

7.If an object will be looked up by two or more keys, the most reasonable key that you partition by would be the most commonly used key.如果根据两个或多个键查询一个对象,进行分区所依据的最合理的键将是最常用的键。

8.It had been used as a burial site by two very different populations during the millennia when the Sahara was lush.在撒哈拉繁荣的几千年中,有两个极为不同的群落把该地当作墓葬之地。

9.A week ago, I came to work a few hours early and was accosted by two men who pushed me inside and robbed me.一周前,我提前几个小时来到单位,两个男人跟我搭话,并把我推到里面抢了我的钱。

10.Protocol A set of rules used mutually by two or more devices to communicate. Also, known as the "language" used in a network.协议两个或多个设施共同遵守的一些通讯规则,在网络中常称为“语言”。