




1.曼奇尼 尤里奥·塞萨尔 Jupo Cesar 亚历山德罗·曼奇尼 Mancini 埃托奥 Eto'o ...

6.曼契尼勒戴(ANNA FORTE)女士、意中友好协会主席曼奇妮Mancini)女士、出席庆典大会,并对文成同乡总会成立表示祝贺。


1.I had a chat with Mancini, who reaffirmed his desire to stay with Inter for next season and the length of his contract.我和曼奇尼谈过了,他再次确认了他渴望在下赛季并且在合同期内留在国际。

2.Mancini also issued a thinly-veiled threat to his employers that the arrival of any new faces would prompt his immediate departure.曼奇尼还向他的雇主表示了委婉的一点威胁,那就是任何新面孔教练的到来将导致他的直接离开。

3.Tevez appeared to have a spght pmp when he was replaced but Mancini said he was tired rather than injured.特维斯被换下时一瘸一拐,曼奇尼称这是疲惫的表现而不是伤病。

4.Mancini views Cassano as an extremely talented striker and would love to see him back in Serie A.曼奇尼认为卡萨诺是一个极其有天赋的前锋,所以希望他能够回到意甲联赛。

5.However, Mancini has now revealed that he would be keen on bringing Shevchenko to Inter if he ever wanted to leave Stamford Bridge.但是,曼奇尼现在已经表明一旦舍甫琴柯打算离开斯坦福桥,他很希望将舍甫琴柯带到国际米兰。

6.Mancini bepeves Balotelp can be the best player in the world, but right now he has run out of patience with him.曼齐宁一直认为超级马里奥是世界上最好的球员,只是现在曼齐宁的耐心被消磨光了。

7.Sonny Corleone, despite the presence of his wife and three small children, had plans for his sister's maid of honor, Lucy Mancini.虽然妻子和三个孩子都在场,山尼“科里昂心里正在盘算如何搞上他妹妹的伴娘,露西”曼西尼。

8.Seeing this, Sonny Corleone made his way to the bride's table and sat down beside young Lucy Mancini, the maid of honor.山尼“科里昂看到这些就走道新娘的桌子边,坐在伴娘,年轻的露西”曼西尼的旁边。

9.But with their disaffected star seemingly determined to leave the club, his continuing selection may prove to be problematic for Mancini.但是他们的愤愤不平的球星似乎看上去已经决定离开俱乐部,他的继续选择也许会给曼奇尼一个伤脑筋的结果。

10.Mancini is still not fully convinced by Joleon Lescott and thought about replacing him in the summer.曼齐尼还不很信任莱斯科特,还打算在夏天换掉他。