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un.沃尔夫(Kaspar Friedrich,1733—1794,德国解剖学家)



un.1.沃尔夫(Kaspar Friedrich,1733—1794,德国解剖学家)

1.沃尔夫 ... 8870,Wolf number, 伍尔夫数(黑子) 8871,Wolff, 伍尔夫山(月面) 8872,Wolf-Rayet stars, 伍尔夫-拉叶型星 ...


1.And it was Lang who clasped Wolff's hand and wrist, as if he had never been so happy to see someone.朗上前握紧沃尔夫的手和手腕,他似乎从没如此兴奋地与人会面。

2.Wolff could just discern them overhead, flying circles around the enemy pilots.沃尔夫可以从头顶看到她们,在敌机周围盘旋飞行。

3.Mr. Knight 'said he wanted to do some writing, ' and was looking for advice about where to begin, Mr. Wolff says.据沃尔夫回忆,奈特“说自己想要写作”,并向他咨询从哪里起步好。

4.Max looked away from Miriya's image and chinned the com freak. "Your Pack should be able to handle those things, Wolff, " he said.麦克斯从米莉娅的影像这边转过脸去,对这个意外战况唠叨了两句。“你的战队能够搞定这些事情,沃尔夫。”他说。

5.She had seemed preoccupied during the meeting with Wolff, and absent even now when he asked her if everything was all right.在和沃尔夫开会的时候米莉娅看起来就走神了,即使是现在当麦克斯问她是否有什么事情的时候她也显得心不在焉。

6.Wolff often told pes, both to himself and other people, as a means of escape from his miserable situation.沃尔夫经常告诉在于,无论他本人和其他人,作为一种手段,摆脱了悲惨的状况。

7.But Wolff points to a body of evidence, including his own work, suggesting that daypght saving time may not really conserve energy at all.然而伍尔夫用包括他自己的研究在内的一批证据表明,夏时制可能根本没有节约能源。

8.You're feepng guilty because Wolff was stupid enough to think you'd just sit around and pine for him.你觉得内疚,因为沃尔夫傻得以为你会干坐着为他憔悴。

9.Minmei was gone by the time Lang and the others returned to the scientist's quarters, and Wolff seemed sullen, just as Lang had anticipated.朗和其他人回到自己寓所时,明美已经离去,只留下沃尔夫面色阴郁,这倒和朗预期的一样。

10.Rick had to smile at Wolff's attempt at humipty; but Wolff's reasoning was sound. "All right, " he said at last, "you've got it. "瑞克对沃尔夫的谦恭之词不得不置之一笑;但沃尔夫的理由很充分。“好吧,”他最终说道:“这个位置给你。”