


美式发音: [ˈmɑrvin] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:vin]





1.马文 【Marvin 马文】 ...

2.马文,英国,朋友 Lynn 林英国傍湖而居者 Marvin 马文英国朋友 Monroe 门罗塞尔特红沼泽 ...

3.马尔文 爱宝时/ epos/ 摩纹/ marvin/ 西铁城/ citizen/ ...

6.马芬 Juvenia 尊皇 Marvin 马芬 Mido 美度 ...

7.摩纹表马(Olma), Skagen Denmark, 摩纹表(Marvin), 依波路, 科因沃奇(Coinwatch), 瑞士时度(Doxa), 伊度(Edox), 西马(Cyma)


1.Aged 46, he is a year younger than Marvin Bower, McKinsey's most famous managing director, when he took up the role in 1950.鲍达民今年46岁,比麦肯锡最著名的董事总经理马文•鲍尔(MarvinBower)在1950年出任该职时还年轻一岁。

2.My senior year of high school, Marvin got me up to four miles in just a few months.我在高中的最后一年中,在开始短短几个月后,marvin让我跑4英里。

3.We sat down to dinner every evening as a family, even if it meant waiting for Marvin to return from a ten or twelve mile run.作为家人,我们每晚都一起吃晚饭,即使这意味着我们要等marvin跑完10或者12公里的步回来。

4.Stop trying to make them grow up. Stop trying to shape them, criticize them, make them your own piece of clay, as Marvin Gaye said.就像马文盖伊说的不要揠苗助长,不要试图去给他们定型,更不要批评他们,或者成为你自己的艺术品。

5.Professor Marvin Goodfriend of Carnegie Mellon university said the two winners took research on expectations to a new level.卡内基梅隆大学教授马尔文•古德弗兰德(MarvinGoodfriend)表示,这两名诺贝尔奖得主将关于预期的研究提高到了一个新层次。

6.Marvin had doubts about the soundness of the company, so he decided to pull out before it was too late.马文对于这家公司是否可靠有怀疑,所以决定趁早退出。

7.Marvin? Can I depend on you to deposit this money in the bank before it closes?马文?我可以拜托你帮我在银行关门前把这些钱存进去吗?

8.That's not what I got out of McKinsey, what I got out of McKinsey was, Marvin Bower had built the firm.这不是我从麦肯锡得到的收获,我在那儿的收获是看到马文·鲍尔如何将公司发展壮大。

9.Marvin looked up the word in the dictionary to check its definition.马文在字典里查阅这个字以查出它的定义。

10.Jack used to see Marvin playing handball at the Y.杰克过去总是在基督教青年会观看马文打手球。