


英文单词:聚积;职业倦怠问卷(Maslach Burnout Inventory);买入管理收购(Management Buy In)


1.聚积(MBO),国内的做法是收购不能流通的国有股,成了MBI (Management Buy In)了,而且还自己制订价格。

4.职业倦怠量表方法采用教师职业倦怠量表(MBI)、自测压力量表和简易应对方式问卷对181名小学教师进行测试。结果 小学女教师的压力较大 …

5.隽星(Microbrill)隽星MBI):看到华擎在低端市场风风火火,微星也坐不住了,于是在04年夏天推出了这个品牌,但低端市场已经被华擎占据 …


1.All of the women underwent mammography and MBI. The radiotracer used in the trial was supplied by the manufacturer.这些妇女都接受乳房摄影和MBI,试验中使用的放射性示踪剂由制造商提供。

2.Methods The middle-ranking party and governmental cadres in Henan Province assessed by revised MBI.方法采用经过修订的工作倦怠量表对河南省处级党政干部进行调查。

3.Methods: 4855 police officers were assessed online by the revised MBI-HSS and related questionnaires.方法:用修订后的MBI-HSS以及其他有关问卷对4855名警察进行网上调查。

4.Methods: 425 police were investigated with MBI-GS, GSES, Work Stress and Work Attitude questionnaires.方法:采用职业倦怠量表、一般自我效能感量表、工作压力和工作态度问卷对425名警察进行调查。

5.Psychiatrists have started using the term Munchausen by Internet (MBI) to describe this behavior.一些心理学家开始用MBI(网络孟乔森综合征)来描述这种行为。

6.MBI-GS is composed with 3 dimensions: emotional exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy. The questionnaire holds 15 questions.本工作倦怠量表包括三个维度:情绪衰竭、玩世不恭和无效能感,整个问卷共15道题。

7.Methods 588 Employees were assessed by the social support inventory and MBI--GS.方法以社会支持问卷和MBI-GS问卷对588名企业员工进行调查。

8.These are organisations that invest and manage investments and they tend to focus on management buy-outs and buy-ins.这些组织从事投资并管理投资他们的关注点倾向于管理层外购和内购(MBO和MBI)。

9.For example, if a user enters the text IBM, the transposed, or mirrored, text MBI is returned.例如,如果用户输入文本IBM,它将返回颠倒顺序的,或者说,镜像后的文本MBI。

10.MBI and Handling Method Investigations of Nurses in Psychiatric Department and Comprehensive Department精神科和综合科护士工作疲溃感与应对方式调查研究