

as is

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英文单词:美国情报科学学会(American Society for Information Science);髂前上棘(anterior superior iliac spine);美国信息科学学会



na.1.in the original condition, including any faults or problems

1.美国情报科学学会(American Society for Information Science) ICA 国际制图协会 ASIS 美国情报科学学会 IBR 影像透视图 ...

2.髂前上棘(anterior superior iliac spine) 美国香料制造商学会( ASP) 美国信息科学学会( ASIS) 美国药品和化学品联合交易协会( DCAT) ...

4.艾达语义接口规范(Ada Semantic Interface Specification)


1.Maruja Asis, a sociologist, is not even convinced that spending on education is all that beneficial.社会学家马鲁亚-阿西斯(MarujaAsis)甚至不相信教育支出会那么有益处。

2.DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is distributed AS IS.免责声明:本文中所包含的信息未经任何正式的IBM测试,而是以ASIS的形式发布的。

3.The hitlists warned scores of teenagers in the town of Puerto Asis, in southern Colombia, to leave town or be killed.这些击杀名单警告了居住在哥伦比亚南部城市PuertoAsis的一批青少年,让他们离开这个城市,否则会被杀掉。

4.The emphatic win at the Yellow Dragon Stadium in Hangzhou was a carnival close to United's Asis Tour.在黄龙体育场的狂胜给曼联的亚洲巡回赛收了个好尾。

5.A lawyer 's skill, knowledge and experience are hard to quantify, asis the importance of a legal matter to a company.一个律师的技能,知识和经验是很难量化的,而这些在法律事务中又是非常重要的。

6.The (To Be) qualifier is unnecessary because you are not adding the Loan Application (As Is) process to the repository.限定词(ToBe)是不必要的,因为没有在存储库中添加LoanApplication(AsIs)过程。

7.Federal officials say they are taking the threats seriously and have sent investigators from Bogota, the nation's capital, to Puerto Asis.国家官员回应黑名单已引起他们高度重视,并已从首都波哥大派遣包括网络专家在内的专业调查人员前往该镇。

8.Asis will be tried out later this year by America's Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.Asis将由美国国防高级研究计划局在今年晚些时候进行试验。

9.The Loan Application (As Is) task flow approves or rejects a loan application.LoanApplication(AsIs)任务流批准或拒绝贷款申请。

10.Results: Research on Schistosomi asis vaccine has pushed forward.结果:推动了血吸虫病疫苗研究。