


美式发音: [trɪp] 英式发音: [trɪp]



abbr.(=transformation-induced plasticity)【冶】高强度及高延性


复数:trips  过去式:tripped  现在分词:tripping  搭配同义词

v.+n.take trip,make trip,plan trip,cancel trip,postpone trip

adj.+n.long trip,pleasant trip,short trip,successful trip,trip tiring


v.trip up,falter,lose your footing,skip,hop



1.(尤指短程往返的)旅行,旅游,出行a journey to a place and back again, especially a short one for pleasure or a particular purpose

Did you have a good trip?你旅行顺利吗?

We went on a trip to the mountains.我们到山里去旅游了。

a day trip(= lasting a day)一日游

a boat/coach trip乘船╱长途汽车旅行

a business/school/shopping trip出差;学校旅行;去商场购物

They took a trip down the river.他们沿河往下游旅行。

We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over.我们往返了几次才把全部设备运过来。

2.(服用毒品后所产生的)幻觉,迷幻感受the experience that sb has if they take a powerful drug that affects the mind and makes them imagine things

an acid(= LSD) trip迷幻药产生的幻觉

3.绊;绊倒an act of falling or nearly falling down, because you hit your foot against sth


1.[i]绊;绊倒to catch your foot on sth and fall or almost fall

She tripped and fell.她绊了一下摔倒了。

Someone will trip over that cable.有人会让那条电缆绊倒的。

Be careful you don't trip up on the step.你小心别在台阶上绊倒了。

2.[t]~ sb将…绊倒;使跌倒to catch sb's foot and make them fall or almost fall

As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up.我经过时,他伸出腿来想把我绊倒。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.脚步轻快地走(或跑、跳舞)to walk, run or dance with quick light steps

She said goodbye and tripped off along the road.她说了声再见就连蹦带跳地沿路走了。

4.[t]~ sth触发(开关);(松开开关)开动to release a switch, etc. or to operate sth by doing so

to trip a switch打开开关

Any intruders will trip the alarm.任何非法入室者都会触响报警器。

5.[i](informal)(服用毒品后)产生幻觉to be under the influence of a drug that makes you hallucinate


v.1.旅行2.绊倒,失脚 (on over) 弄错,做错;犯过失;失言,讲错;说不出话3.轻快地跑[走];轻轻跳跃4.【机】(擒纵机件的)走动5.绊倒,使失脚;勾脚摔倒 (up)6.找错,挑错 (up) 使犯错误,使失败7.【航】卷起(锚);竖直(帆桁)8.【机】解扣,松开棘爪而开动9.产生迷幻感觉1.旅行2.绊倒,失脚 (on over) 弄错,做错;犯过失;失言,讲错;说不出话3.轻快地跑[走];轻轻跳跃4.【机】(擒纵机件的)走动5.绊倒,使失脚;勾脚摔倒 (up)6.找错,挑错 (up) 使犯错误,使失败7.【航】卷起(锚);竖直(帆桁)8.【机】解扣,松开棘爪而开动9.产生迷幻感觉

abbr.1.【冶】(=transformation-induced plasticity)高强度及高延性

n.1.an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again2.an occasion when you fall because you hit your foot on something3.a strange experience that someone has because they have taken a powerful illegal drug4.an occasion when you experience a strong emotion5.an unusual and enjoyable experience; someone who is very funny and enjoyable to be with1.an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again2.an occasion when you fall because you hit your foot on something3.a strange experience that someone has because they have taken a powerful illegal drug4.an occasion when you experience a strong emotion5.an unusual and enjoyable experience; someone who is very funny and enjoyable to be with

v.1.to hit your foot on something and fall down; to make someone hit their foot on something and fall down2.to move with quick light steps3.to make a switch go on or off, especially by accident4.to feel the effects of a powerful illegal drug1.to hit your foot on something and fall down; to make someone hit their foot on something and fall down2.to move with quick light steps3.to make a switch go on or off, especially by accident4.to feel the effects of a powerful illegal drug

abbr.1.[Metallurgy](=transformation-induced plasticity)

1.知识产权协议 映画 FILMS 旅行 TRIPS 宝丽莱 POLA ...


1.He has seen video footage, and he made three trips to Arsenal's London Colney training ground to watch him in a practice match.当然他看过录像带,他还去过阿森纳的科尔尼训练基地三次,去看他的一场训练比赛。

2.Try pairing up for trips to work or to social events - even an occasional carpool or ride on public transportation will make a difference.试着在去上班或参加社会活动时与别人拼车—即使是偶然一次合伙用车,或乘坐公共交通,都会有很大的影响。

3.Dilma Rousseff, Brazil's new president, last month made one of her first overseas trips to China in a bid to diversify trade.巴西新任总统迪尔玛•罗塞夫(DilmaRousseff)上月访华——这是她上任后最早的出国访问之一,旨在促进贸易多样化。

4.It was the first of the many architectural field trips they were to share in the years to come.它是许多建筑的领域第一跌倒他们要分享数年来。

5.It was one of the most comfortable train trips that we took, without crowds in the stations, on the train or in the taxi lines.这是我们最舒适的旅途之一,不论是火车站、车厢里还是出租车队旁都没有拥堵的人群。

6.When your child is out with you or your family, or on field trips with her class and has to use escalators , she should stand to the right.如果孩子和家里人外出,和班级一起出游或者需要用到自动扶梯,他必须右行或者站在右边。

7.Instructions were sent out to fly economy class, only go on essential foreign trips and cut down on meetings in five-star hotels.节俭措施包括:官员们出行乘坐经济舱、只在必要时才去国外出差,并削减在五星级酒店开会的次数。

8.To think just a year ago the Moon was supposedly dry. The discovery improves the prospects of future colonisation on or trips to the Moon.考虑到在一年前人们还认为月球很可能是干的,这一发现提升了将来到月球旅行或居住的前景。

9.Berber says that, with her husband Asa, she continued to use her Mercedes diesel for weekend trips during the trial.Berber还说道,在试驾期间,她还是选择奔驰内燃机汽车作为和她丈夫周末外出的代步工具。

10.I take a small carry-on bag for long trips, and nothing but a large purse for anything under a week.仅仅带着够用一周的大钱包,我挎个随身小包就去长途旅行了。