


网络释义:医疗器械指令(Medical Device Directive);模型驱动开发(Model-Driven Development);重度抑郁症(major depressive disorder)


1.医疗器械指令(Medical Device Directive)c公司就新发布Rhapsody7.3新版本特性以及模型驱动开发(MDD)技术首次接受了国内IT媒 体采访   本次采访对象是IBM/Telelogi…

3.重度抑郁症(major depressive disorder)重度抑郁症(MDD)患者,成年和儿童不管他们是否用抗抑郁药物都可能经受其抑郁和/或自杀观念和行为(自杀)或行为的不寻常变 …

4.模型驱动的开发模型驱动的开发 (mdd) 是基于模型和转换的软件开发方法。mdd 支持采用半自动化方式生成代码,可使用一组模型到模型转换 …


1.Moving to MDD (or any other fundamentally different development paradigm) demands large initial investments and is not without risk.向MDD(或任何其他根本上不同的开发范型)转移需要大量的初始投资,并且不是没有风险的。

2.This imppes that the tools used for real MDD must be capable of complete code generation.这暗示,用于真正的MDD的工具必须能够完成代码生成。

3.Conversely, it may also be that individuals with MDD turn to happy music to "tune out" their negative moods or to elevate their moods.相反,患有抑郁症的青少年转向愉快的音乐可以“撇开”消极情绪或消除他们的情绪。

4.For instance, the concept of "code-behind" could decrease significantly with a shift to modern MDD techniques.例如,随着向现代MDD技术的转变,“代码分离”的概念会大大减少。

5.No AOP knowledge is required either to read this article or to get started using Aspects for MDD.阅读这篇文章和开始使用AspectsforMDD是不需要AOP相关知识的。

6.There are few truly powerful yet easy-to-use tools to support MDD in a team environment.在团队环境中很少有真正强大,但容易使用的,支持MDD的工具。

7.Select the right development tool: Having the right weapon with you will ensure that you are getting the maximum value from MDD.选择适当的开发工具。拥有适当的工具将确保您从MDD中获得最大价值。

8.If MDD were to gain widespread use, the systems engineering domain 16 would enjoy some of the greatest benefits.如果MDD要获得广泛的使用,那么系统工程领域16会得到一些最大的好处。

9.One of the ways that MDD (and through that, RSA) can assist you is by helping you understand how you want your system to behave.其中一个解决方法是让你理解你想要你的系统如何运行,此方法由MDD(并且通过RSA)帮助实现。

10.One advantage of the MDD approach is that it forces you to consider the technical architecture earper in a project and more thoroughly.MDD方法的一点好处是让您集中在项目较早时期,并且更彻底地考虑技术架构。