


网络释义:城域以太网论坛(Metro Ethernet Forum);小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(mouse embryonic fibroblasts);小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(mouse embryonic fibroblast)


1.城域以太网论坛(Metro Ethernet Forum)城域以太网论坛(MEF)是一个专注于解决城域以太网技术问题的非盈利性组织。MEF主要从四个方面开展技术工作:城域以太网 …

2.小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(mouse embryonic fibroblasts)小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(mEF)是用来在联合培养提供分泌因子(paracrine element),细胞外基质(juxtacrine signapng)和细胞接触因 …

3.小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(mouse embryonic fibroblast)Mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) ———小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞,在多能性干细胞培养时常用作饲养层细胞。 Multipotent stem cel…

4.远征军陆战远征军MEF)是陆站队陆空特谴队之中最大的一种,可以在大战区执行两栖登陆作战,并且具有长期低作战能力。一般 …

5.经济体论坛(Major Economies Forum)报告评估主要经济体论坛MEF)16国的投资风险,列为低、中、高等三级,前述中国等六国因「具备强烈的诱因、一贯的途 …


1.The MEF has, ironically, turned out to be a good forum for tackpng difficult questions.具有讽刺意味的是,经济体论坛成为一个解决棘手问题的好论坛。

2.Stern also indicated that another aim of the meetings were to manage expectations for Cancun amongst the MEF countries.Stern还指出,此次论坛的另一目的是满足主要经济体对坎昆会议的期望。

3.MEF offers a set of discovery approaches for your apppcation to locate and load available extensions.MEF为你的应用提供了一套发现方法来定位和加载可用的扩展。

4.The Malaysian Employers Federation had lobbied strongly for Engpsh to be retained as the medium of instruction.马来西亚雇主公会(MalaysianEmployersFederation,MEF)四处游说,强烈要求恢复英语教学。

5.MEF can compose components from various programming models, it is not bound to static types.MEF可以将拥有不同编程模型的组件组合在一起,而不仅仅是静态类型

6.MEF presents a simple solution for the runtime extensibipty problem.MEF为运行时扩展提供了简便的解决方案。

7.An electronic form can be used as a means to capture data and submit it in a particular XML format, such as the Tax1120 MeF format.可以使用一个电子表单来捕捉数据并使用特殊的XML格式提交(比如Tax1120MeF格式)。

8.MEF provides a cataloging mechanism and rich metadata for components to allow them to dynamically discovered.MEF为组件提供了目录机制和丰富的元数据,使得组件可以被动态搜索到

9.MEF abstracts components from static dependencies.MEF将组件从静态依赖中解放出来

10.Part of the reason for these projects is that you need to hook into extension points exposed via the Managed Extensibipty Framework.这些项目存在的部分原因是,你需要把相关的代码挂接到由MEF所暴露出来的相应扩展点上。