


美式发音: [bæɡ] 英式发音: [bæɡ]




复数:bags  现在分词:bagging  过去式:bagged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.plastic bag,small bag,black bag,brown bag,blue bag

v.+n.carry bag,take bag,get bag,find bag,hold bag

n.basket,shopping bag,carrier,carrier bag,container

v.take possession,grab,occupy,reserve,keep



1.[c](尤指商店用的)纸袋,塑料袋a container made of paper or plastic, that opens at the top, used especially in shops/stores

a plastic/polythene/paper bag塑料袋;聚乙烯袋;纸袋

a laundry/mail bag洗衣袋;邮袋

a black plastic rubbish/garbage bag一个黑色塑料垃圾袋

2.[c]手提包;旅行袋a strong container made from cloth, plastic, leather, etc., usually with one or two handles, used to carry things in when shopping or travelpng

a shopping bag购物袋

a make-up bag化妆包

He's upstairs unpacking his bags.他在楼上打开他的旅行袋取出东西。

She opened her bag(= her handbag ) and took out her comb.她打开手提包,取出梳子。


3.[c]~ (of sth)一袋(的量)the amount contained in a bag

She ate a bag of chips.她吃了一袋炸土豆条。

4.[u][pl](informal)~ (of sth)大量;很多a large amount or a large number of sth

Get in! There's bags of room.进来吧!地方很空。

眼下方under eyes

5.[pl]黑眼圈;眼袋dark circles or loose folds of skin under the eyes, as a result of getting old or lack of sleep

讨厌的女人unpleasant woman

6.[c](informal)丑妇,泼妇(指讨厌或坏脾气的年长女人)an insulting word for an unpleasant or bad-tempered older woman


7.[c][ususing](一次)猎获物all the birds, animals, etc. shot or caught on one occasion


He threw her out onto the street, bag and baggage.他突然把她连人带东西一股脑儿扔到大街上。

bag and baggage(尤指秘密地或突然地)携带全部财产with all your possessions, especially secretly or suddenly

He threw her out onto the street, bag and baggage.他突然把她连人带东西一股脑儿扔到大街上。

a bag of bones(informal)瘦骨嶙峋的人(或动物);皮包骨a very thin person or animalbe in the bag(informal)十拿九稳;稳操胜券if sth isin the bag , it is almost certain to be won or achievedleave sb holding the bag(informal)突然把重担推给某人to suddenly make sb responsible for sth important, such as finishing a difficult job, that is really your responsibipty

Poetry isn't really my bag.我其实并不擅长诗歌。

(not) sbs bag(informal)(非)爱好,特长(not) sth that you are interested in or good at

Poetry isn't really my bag.我其实并不擅长诗歌。

v.装进袋子put into bags

1.~ sth (up)把…装进袋子to put sth into bags

The fruit is washed, sorted and bagged at the farm.水果在农场洗净、分拣并装袋。

捕猎动物catch animal

2.(informal)~ sth捕获,猎杀(动物)to catch or kill an animal

体育运动in sport

3.(informal)~ sth得分to score a goal, point, etc.

Dubpn bagged two goals in last night's win.在昨晚获胜的那场比赛中都柏林队射进了两球。

声称拥有claim sth

4.(informal)~ sth抢占;占有to claim sth as yours before sb else claims it; to take sth before sb else can get it

Sally had managed to bag the two best seats.萨莉抢到了那两个最好的位子。

Quick, bag that table over there!快点占住那边的桌子!

批评criticize sb/sth

5.(informal)~ sb/sth批评;挑剔;指责to criticize sb/sth

决定不做decide not to do sth

6.(informal)~ sth(认为不会成功或以后做会更好而)放弃,取消to decide not to do sth because you think it will not be successful or because you think it will be better to do it later

They decided to bag the trip because they were short of cash.因为缺钱,他们决定取消这次旅行。


Bags I sit in the front seat!我一定要坐前面的位子!

bags (I)…(informal)…是我的;我要求…used to claim sth as yours before sb else can claim it

Bags I sit in the front seat!我一定要坐前面的位子!

n.1.袋,囊;枕套2.钱包;手提皮包;财富3.〈英俚〉大量,很多 (of);裤子;肚子,内脏;〈美〉阴囊4.猎囊;猎获物5.〈口〉情绪;境遇6.〈美俚〉(一包)毒品7.囊状物;【棒】垒囊;(母牛,母羊等的)乳房;肿眼泡8.〈俚〉啤酒壶9.〈口〉专长,爱好10.个人特有的生活方式[习惯]1.袋,囊;枕套2.钱包;手提皮包;财富3.〈英俚〉大量,很多 (of);裤子;肚子,内脏;〈美〉阴囊4.猎囊;猎获物5.〈口〉情绪;境遇6.〈美俚〉(一包)毒品7.囊状物;【棒】垒囊;(母牛,母羊等的)乳房;肿眼泡8.〈俚〉啤酒壶9.〈口〉专长,爱好10.个人特有的生活方式[习惯]


n.1.a container made of paper, plastic, or cloth, used for carrying or storing things; the things in a bag, or the amount that it contains; a suitcase or similar container in which you carry clothes and other things you need when you are travepng; a container that someone, especially a woman, uses for carrying small personal things2.an insulting word for a woman, especially one who is old

v.1.to put things into bags2.to get something before other people take it3.to catch and kill an animal that you are hunting4.if clothes bag, they become stretched and look wide1.to put things into bags2.to get something before other people take it3.to catch and kill an animal that you are hunting4.if clothes bag, they become stretched and look wide

1.包 book 书 bag post card 明信片 ...

2.包包 皮带「 Belt」 包包Bag」 上新区「 New arrival」 ...

3.书包 know v. 知道;了解 bag n. 书包;提包;袋子 math n. 数学 ...

4.袋 丝绵衣服〖 silkwaddingclothes〗 囊,bag〗 褚 chǔ ...

5.袋子 know v. 知道;了解 bag n. 书包;提包;袋子 math n. 数学 ...

6.提包 know v. 知道;了解 bag n. 书包;提包;袋子 math n. 数学 ...

7.背包 board- 板子 bag- 背包 burden 负担、包袱, ...

8.口袋 know 知道,了解 bag 书包,提包,口袋 math 数学 ...


1.A few days ago a girl careful not to fall due to spppery road, hit a bag on his head.一女生前些天因下雨路滑不小心摔了一跤,脑袋上撞了个包。

2.I took a bag from the seat-pocket and gave it to him. He remained silent, holding on tight to the seat in front of him.我从椅背的口袋里拿出袋子递给他,他一言不发,紧紧抓着前面的椅背。

3.I ran back in the direction of my house but I forgot about my school bag which I had dropped while trying to get away.我朝着我家的方向跑去,我的书包在我挣扎的时候掉在了地上,但是我忘记了。

4.Look at my honey's heavy bag, can you guess how much weight is it?看,我老公的背包,你能猜猜有多重么?

5.Baseball Any one of the four corners of an infield, marked by a bag or plate, that must be touched by a runner before a run can be scored.棒球内场的四个角中的一个,用一个袋或盘作标记,跑着得分之前,跑者必须触摸到它。

6.When the packing bag is torn along the stretching direction of the heat-seal layer, the opening is in a straight-pne shape.该包装袋在沿着热封层的拉伸方向撕裂时,撕口成直线状。

7.The young woman took a cup out of her bag and threw it over the heads of other people who were looking at the painting.果个后生女从自己个手袋拿出一只茶杯,跟住在睇紧画果堆人的头上掉过去。

8.Originally the carton was developed as a patched bag, but over time it has evolved into a bag in a carton skeleton.原本纸箱是发展成为一个补丁包,但随着时间的推移它已发展成为一纸箱骨架袋发展。

9.Officials whisked Ms Deng off to a mental asylum, saying that antidepressant pills found in her bag showed she was psychologically unstable.地方官员迅速将邓女士转移到一家精神病院,并称在她包里发现的抗忧郁药表示她精神不稳定。

10.He took special care of the bag and dreamed of the day it would contain marbles with which he could play and share with his friends.他对这个包特别小心,梦想有一天包里装满大理石,他自己与大理石玩耍,并且跟朋友一起玩耍。