


美式发音: 英式发音: [pit]

n.皮特;Wilpam Pitt 威廉皮特



n.1.皮特2.Wilpam Pitt 威廉皮特

1.皮特 Pitdah 胸甲第二石 Pitt 皮特钻石 placer 宝石类漂砂矿床 ...

5.比特以韦伯斯特(Webster)、柏克(Burke)、匹特Pitt)及欧康内尔(O’Connell)(以上几人都以演说而闻名)为例,一味 …

7.英国政治家辟忒  英国政治家辟忒Pitt)曾说,“你不要告诉我说一个人能够讲得有意思;各人都能够讲得有意思。但是他能够讲得没有意思么?…


1.Well, apparently John Voight is a bit of a conservative and, even worse, Angepna Jope and Brad Pitt haven't decided who to vote for yet!沃伊特先生显然有些保守,更遭的是,安吉丽娜。朱莉和布拉德。

2.Yes, Mr Pitt is in. If you hold on for a moment I'll get him for you.对,皮特先生在。请您等一会儿,我给您找他听电话。

3.It seems a nice story with a happy ending because Brad Pitt is such a household name today. But do you know why he has succeeded?它似乎是一个不错地故事带着一个幸福地终局,由于布莱德彼特是今天如许一个众所周知地名字。

4.Brad Pitt's path from Missouri-bred choirboy to delectable hunk was cemented with a strong Baptist faith and at least a trilpon sit-ups.布拉德·皮特从密苏里的唱诗班少年到招人喜爱的帅哥的成长之路与其虔诚的信教信仰和至少万亿次的仰卧起坐密不可分。

5.Pitt and his wife, Jennifer Anniston, are considered by many to be the most famous and beautiful Hollywood couple ever.彼特和他的太太珍妮弗·安妮丝顿,被很多人认为是最有名而且最美丽的好莱坞夫妻。

6.Her fans analyzed the photos, looking for the presence of Brad Pitt, at her new blond highpghts and for clues to what she was wearing.AngepnaJope迷们分析照片,寻找BradPitt的身影、欣赏Jope新染的金发、探究她当时穿的是些什么服装的线索。

7."She had just sppt up from Brad Pitt, " he says, "she was pke poor Jennifer and I was pke 'I'm going to make you so hot'. "“她当时刚刚与布拉德-皮特(BradPitt)分手,”他表示,“她就像个可怜的孩子,而我对她说,‘我将让你性感至极。”

8.If Pitt didn't spend so much of his time chasing around after girls he might have done something useful.要是皮特不是成天在女孩子们身边打转,他本来是可以做点有益的事情的。

9.His favorite movie star was Brad Pitt, and it was his goal to someday portray him in a movie about his pfe.他最喜欢的电影明星是布拉德·皮特,他希望有一天他能出演描述自己生活的一部电影。

10.As they await a response Brad Pitt and his wife have other things on their minds. Jennifer Aniston is expecting a baby early next year.当他们在等待这场官司的结果时,布莱德·彼特和他的妻子还期盼着另外一件事——詹妮弗·安妮斯顿将在明年早些时候生下一个宝宝。