


美式发音: [ɪts] 英式发音: [ɪts]


short.it is;it has


英文单词:智能交通系统(Intelligent Transportation System);智能运输系统






det.1.belonging or relating to a thing, idea, place, animal, etc. when it has already been mentioned or when it is obvious which one you are referring to2.belonging or relating to a baby or very young child when it has been mentioned or when it is obvious which one you are referring to

1.智能交通系统(Intelligent Transportation System)3,006汽车电子标准出路:要借鉴也要自主发展2,907 基于Zigbee技术的智能家居控 …

2.它的 bird 鸟 92 Its 它的 93 don't 的缩写形式 95 ...

3.智能运输系统智能运输系统(ITs)是将数据通信、电子控制、计算机处理等先进技术,有效地综合运用于地面运输管理所建立的一种高效、大范 …


1.We have begun to leave Iraq to its own people.我们已经开始将伊拉克转交给伊拉克人民。

2.If you don't beat around the bush, you say what you want to say clearly and directly, without avoiding its unpleasant aspects.如果你在矮树丛的周围不打,你说你想要清楚地而且直接地说的,不避免它的不愉快的方面。

3.Ironically, this reputation is at the front line in its takeover defence.具有讽刺意味的是,在为行业并购辩护的理由中,这种名声排在了前列。

4.The administration has said that it prefers legislation but yesterday's decision showed that it would not be afraid to act on its own.奥巴马政府表示更倾向于立法,但昨日的决定显示,它并不畏惧自行采取行动。

5.Any nation wants to present its best face at such a time, but it may prove counterproductive.任何国家都希望在这样的时刻表现出他最好的一面,但有时也可能适得其反。

6.By giving it a small slice of the deal and perhaps a seat on the board, Bright Food can periodically call on its consigliere for advice.让黑石分一小杯羹,或许再给它一个董事会席位,光明食品就能时不时地向这个参谋请教意见。

7.In the example TDL code, the actual constraint is shown in bold text to help you more quickly see its placement within the policy file.在示例TDL代码中,实际约束显示为粗体文本,以帮助您快速查看它在策略文件中的位置。

8.Shanghai, he said, "is a melting pot like America" but has no place for those who reject its ways.他说,上海“是像美国一样的大熔炉”,但那些不认同其风格的人,在这里没有位置。

9.however, it is as if insufficient to understand its fuzziness in the former research, and it is also one of reasons to present the paper.然而,以往的研究对其模糊性的认识似乎不够,这也是做本论文的缘由之一。

10.Absolutely not. A plug-in on its own is just a plug-in, not a tool contribution fully integrated with the Eclipse Platform.插件本身仅仅是一个插件,而不是与Eclipse平台完全集成的组件。