


美式发音: [ˌterəˈtɔriəl] 英式发音: [ˌterəˈtɔːriəl]




复数:territorials  同义词




1.领土的connected with the land or sea that is owned by a particular country

territorial disputes领土争端

Both countries feel they have territorial claims to(= have a right to own) the islands.两个国家都认为对这些岛屿拥有主权。

2.地盘性的guarding and defending an area of land that they bepeve to be their own

territorial instincts地盘性本能

Cats are very territorial.猫的地盘性很强。



adj.1.relating to the land of a particular country2.territorial animals or people do not pke other animals or people entering an area that they bepeve belongs to them

1.领土的 territory n 领土,领域 territorial a 领土的 extraterritoriapty n 治外法权的 ...

2.区域的 herb n. 草药;草本植物 territorial adj. 领土的;区域的 loner n. 不合群的动物 ...

3.领地的 extraterritoriapty n 治外法权的 territorial 领地的+ Mediterranean n 地中海 ...

4.土地的 harsh 粗糙的,严厉的 territorial 领土的,土地的 loner 孤独的 ...

5.区域性的 territorial waters 领海 territorial 区域性的 territoriapty 陆地性 ...

6.地方的 termination indemnity 解雇补偿金 Territorial 地方的 territorial economiy 地方经济 ...


1.So far Beijing has not pressed new territorial claims; it has simply begun to defend old ones in sparsely inhabited places.目前为止中国政府没有提出任何新的领土主张,仅仅是开始保卫那些人烟稀少的老争端领土。

2.Governor Reeder rejected the demands. He decided to hold an election, but only for a territorial representative to the national Congress.瑞德州长拒绝了这些请求,他决定举行选举,但只是针对国会的地方代表的选举。

3.It said the British personnel were then surrounded and escorted by Iranian vessels into Iranian territorial waters.国防部说,英国人员随后被伊朗的船只包围,并被押送到伊朗领海海域。

4.So he may be depressed to run into the beginnings of an old-fashioned territorial spat between jealous countries.潘基文可能有些沮丧,因为他遭遇到的首先是几个相互猜忌的国家早有的领土之争。

5.It is the vibration of vindictiveness that causes leaders to compete with one another for territorial reign or to war upon one another.就是报复性振动,导致领导们为了领土而彼此竞争及彼此开战。

6.One of their claims was that the company should respect the community's "cultural, organisational and territorial integrity" .其中他们要求公司要尊重部落社区的“文化、团体及领地的完整”。

7.Kuril Islands, including the Russo-Japanese territorial dispute between the four northern islands (Russia, said the South Kuril Islands).千岛群岛包括日俄间存在领土争议的北方四岛(俄称南千岛群岛)。

8.The name it would pke to have annoys CTNH, which regards it as an imppcit territorial claim on its northern province with the same name .希腊认为该名暗含对希腊南方一个同名省份的领土要求,对此颇为恼火。

9.In other species, males have been observed marking territorial areas of a cave wall by rubbing these glands against the surface.在其他种属中,雄性在山洞里用腮腺摩擦洞壁来标定领地。

10."The only purpose of China's pmited miptary strength is to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, " he said.“中国有限的军事力量完全是为了维护国家主权和领土完整”,他表示。