




1.日在夏天 BLPORTS 比奴宝姿 Summer Days 阳光夏日 Bolatu 柏拉图 ...

5.日在盛夏 Cross Days 日在交叉 Summer Days 日在盛夏 School Days 日在校园 ...


1.Her mother marched about the flat in her underwear sometimes braless and sometimes on summer days stark naked.母亲穿着内衣在房子里冲来冲去,有时候乳罩都不戴,夏天,有些时候则干脆完全光着身子。

2.He took me to movies, endless parades of movies in air-conditioned theaters on hot summer days.他还带我去看电影,在炎热的夏天带我去有空调设备的剧院看一系列影片。

3.It was one of those blustery summer days. The clouds chased each other across the sky and begged to be watched.夏天,一个有风的日子。天空中飘浮着很多好看的云朵,它们千姿百态,争奇斗艳。

4.You see, there are plenty of ways to stay cool on hot, summer days and ways to help keep the temperature of your home down.你知道吗,有很多办法可以让你在炎热的夏天保持凉爽,并且保持较低的室内温度。

5.However, we do not recommend it now, for it surely will not make you comfortable on hot summer days, but it indeed does in winter.不过我们不建议你在这个时节使用它,因为它铁定不会在炎热的夏天给你带来舒适的体验,不过在冬天,它真的很管用!

6.Poor rake! His eyes with rheumy moisture flow; the pttle bird that spoke of summer days to follow, pes frozen in the snow.可怜的浪子,他感冒了,泪流不止,而那只代表夏季即将到来的燕子冻死在雪地里。

7.Getting out of the airport, I felt moist and hot air. I can only feel this burning hot in some summer days of Tianjin.出了机场的自动玻璃门后,我遇到的是一场潮湿的热空气,这种焦灼感只有在部分的夏季天津才能感觉到。

8.It is truly a sort of pleasing enjoyment to immerse one's body in the nice and cool blue water during the scorching summer days.在炎炎夏日,把身体浸没在蔚蓝色的凉爽的水中,实在是一种惬意的享受。

9.LAZY summer days are a rarity for America's firefighters, who must battle dozens of big blazes around the west.闲适的夏天对于美国的消防队员来说是罕有的,他们肯定战斗在西部众多的火场中。

10.The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never sets, and there is no night.夏季日长,两个多月里太阳一直不落,没有夜晚。