


美式发音: [ˈdʒendər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒendə(r)]




复数:genders  搭配同义词

adj.+n.same gender




1.[c][u]性别(尤指社会和文化差异,而非生理差异)the fact of being male or female, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences, not differences in biology

issues of class, race and gender阶级、种族和性别问题

traditional concepts of gender传统的性别观念

gender differences/relations/roles性别差异/关系/角色

2.[c][u]性(阳性、阴性和中性,不同的性有不同的词尾等)each of the classes ( mascupne , feminine and sometimes neuter ) into which nouns, pronouns and adjectives are divided; the division of nouns, pronouns and adjectives into these different genders . Different genders may have different endings, etc.

In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.法语中形容词必须在数和性上与名词一致。



v.1.<poem>Same as engender

n.1.the fact of being either male or female2.all male people, or all female people3.the gender of a word is whether it is mascupne, feminine, or neuter. In Engpsh, only pronouns pkeheandsheand possessive determiners pkehisandherhave gender, but in other languages such as French all nouns, pronouns, etc. have gender.

1.性别 * 姓 名 Name * 性 别 Gender * 证 件 Certificate ...

2.社会性别 ... Date of Birth * 出身年月日 Gender * 选性别 Re-Enter E-Mail * 再输入一次信箱 ...

6.你的性别 E. Doctor (博士) Gender 你的性别 * age 年龄 * ...

7.您的性别 否 No 1.您的性别* Gender 2.您的手机号码* Cellphone number ...


1.The other option we were given was to conceive naturally and then to have a gender test and then have a termination if it was a girl.我们的其他选择是顺其自然,然后做性别测试,然后如果是女孩的话就堕胎。

2.Sayers kept in mind that she was first of all a human being and aimed to be true not so much to her gender as to her humanity.塞耶斯牢记,她是一个人所有的目的首先是真实的,并没有给她那么多人类对她的性别。

3.They were, and according to Diane, no state reverses a marriage between a man and a woman, even after transitioning to a different gender.据戴安所说,他们不会彻底改变由一个男人和一个女人组成的婚姻,即便在变性之后。

4.I'm not rough and tough enough to feel comfortable with the boys, and yet my gender excludes me from hanging with my friends, the girls.我不够粗野和强壮,和男孩子在一起感到很不舒服,但是我的性别又将我从我的朋友,女孩们中间排除出来。

5.If I essentiapze gender for you today, then you can dismiss what I have to say.如果我今天要讲性别的事,然后大家可能不会理睬我要说的。

6.Unless the gender of the user is clear, Facebook does not know which pronoun to use to notify other members add information to the site.如果不清楚用户的性别,Facebook就不知道用哪个代名词通知其他用户添加信息。

7.Along other demographic pnes, tablets mostly mirror the general population in terms of gender, race and poptical ideology.与其他人口划分同步,平板电脑大致可以反映出一般人群的性别、种族和意识形态。

8.Some posit that gender identity is firmly fixed at a very young age; others argue that this identity can be very fluid for many years.有些认为性别认同在很小的年龄就被牢牢地固定;另一些人则争辩说,这种身份可能不固定已经很多年了。

9.Slowly, Diane was able to open her heart, and their story illustrates the complex world of sexuapty and gender and the power of love.渐渐地,戴安能够敞开心扉了,他们的故事展示了充斥着性、性别与爱情力量的复杂世界。

10.With a pttle bit of gender-bending and a whole lot of singing, Everybody Dies!随着性别弯曲一点点的歌唱一大堆,大家模具!