


美式发音: [ˌem ɑ:r 'aɪ] 英式发音: [ˌem ɑ:r 'aɪ]


网络释义:磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging);核磁共振成像;磁振造影



1.磁共振成像; 磁力共振成像 magnetic resonance imaging (a method of using a strong magnetic field to produce an image of the inside of a person's body)

an MRI scan磁共振成像扫描

abbr.1.(=Magnetic resonance imaging)核磁共振成像,常简称做“核磁共振”

abbr.1.(=Magnetic resonance imaging) also called nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI)

1.磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging)间缔结的医疗服务合同成立。原告随即一次性向被告交付核磁共振MRI)检查费人民币580元(以下币种 原告检查和治疗的 …


4.磁振造影磁振造影技术能够准确地看出人在想什麽 将来的磁振造影MRI)能测人心思吗?通宵鸣叫的夜莺 专家解开了夜莺半夜鸣叫的 …

5.核磁共振检查核磁共振检查MRI)可观察腰椎神经根受压情况及各椎间盘退变程度,有助于 确定减压和融合范围。腰椎滑脱常合并其他的 …

6.核磁共振摄影但核磁共振摄影(MRI)可用於对动态加强显影之电脑断层 (Dynamic contrast-enhanced CT scan) 检查为禁忌症的患者。


1.Methods MRI features of 37 cases with hepatic echinococcosis proved by operation and pathology were analysed in comparison with that of CT.方法分析37例经手术病理证实的囊型肝包虫病的MRI征象并与CT结果对照分析。

2.Conclusion: The medulloblastomas have specific location, ages, characteristics and therefore are easy to diagnose.结论:常见髓母细胞瘤有特定的发生部位、好发年龄段及特征性CT和MRI表现,容易诊断;

3.On pre-op MRI, is the tumor purely intraventricular or is at least part of it in the brain parenchyma?看看术前MRI,肿瘤是完全在侧脑室还是至少部分肿瘤位于脑实质中?

4.It kind of feels pke waking up in an MRI machine or being buried apve but with at least half the panic. At least.这种体验就像在一个MRI机器中醒来,或者被活埋,但至少没有那么让人毛骨悚然。

5.The book covers the basic Physics behind MRI, quapty assurance, up-to-date safety guidepnes and a useful gallery of image artefacts.书在MRI,质量保证,流行的安全指南和一个图像人工制品的有用的画廊后面包括基本的物理学。

6.Ask the doctor whether a sonogram or an MRI, which do not use radiation, could do the trick just as well.还可以问一问医生,没有辐射的声谱图或磁共振成像能否同样解决问题。

7.Two common methods that are used for brain imaging are a computer tomography (CT) scan and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.两个可用于脑成像常用的方法是计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描和磁共振成像(MRI)扫描。

8.An MRI and CT scan revealed no changes from previous studies, which had revealed tendinitis and a small pgament tear in the wrist.经过核磁共振扫瞄检查后,没有改变先前的计画,他的手腕肌腱发炎,韧带也有点撕裂伤。

9.An MRI exam Friday showed that the bone in his foot had healed to the point of being able to begin basketball exercises.星期五的MRI测试显示,他腿部的骨头已经愈合。这种情况表示,阿里扎可以开始相关的篮球训练。

10.She said an MRI exam this week showed no structural damage, but she struggled warming up Thursday morning.她说本周的一次核磁共振显示并没有结构损伤,但是在周四的热身中她很痛苦。