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网络释义:控制器;设计模式(Model View Control);模型-视图-控制



1.控制器 i18n: 国际化 MVC模型-视图-控制 OOP: 面向对象编程 ...

4.模型-视图-控制器(Model View Controller) JPEG: 联合图像专家组 MVC模型视图控制器 PNG: 便携式网络图像 ...


1.Hence, one cannot strictly compare Ecppse's MVC implementation with that of the Web or any other apppcation type.所以,不能严格地把Ecppse的MVC实现与Web或其他应用程序类型的MVC进行比较。

2.The general idea behind the workings of a PHP framework is referred to as Model View Controller (MVC).PHP开发框架背后的思想被称为“模型—视图—控制器”(MVC)。

3.For a real-world scenario, an architecture with a clear separation of the Model View Controller (MVC) parts would be appropriate.对于真实场景,对ModelViewController(MVC)部分进行清晰分离的架构要相对合适一点。

4.The biggest strength of the MVC framework is the fact that it is a web ui framework that can stay out of your way as a developer.MVC最大的优点在于它不是一个会影响开发人员开发方式的WebUI框架。

5.My primary complaint with existing MVC frameworks was that they magicked away too much, and tried to hide the HTTP layer.我对现有的MVC框架感到最不爽的地方就是他们出来的快,消失的也快,而且还隐藏了HTTP层。

6.this seem to be because of the use the MVC pattern in this framework which force the code to be very structured.这似乎是因为框架里使用了MVC模式,这迫使代码非常结构化。

7.Each piece of the MVC architecture is well defined and self-contained, which is referred to as the separation of concerns.MVC体系结构的每一部分都是定义良好和自包含的,这称为关系分离。

8.As you probably know, Struts is one of the most widely adopted MVC frameworks in the market today.正如您可能了解的一样,Struts是目前市场中采用最为广泛的一种MVC框架。

9.I'm going to use a simple e-commerce store apppcation to help illustrate how the ASP. NET MVC Framework works.我将用一个简单的网上商店应用程序来演示ASP网址被屏蔽MVC框架的工作原理。

10.I ve also explained some of the most common uses for Servlet filters and touched on how filters fit into a traditional MVC architecture.本文还阐述了Servlet过滤器的一些最普遍应用,并提到了过滤器如何适应传统的MVC体系结构。