


美式发音: [ˈɛmˈɛks] 英式发音: [ˈemˈeks]


n.Mx (洲际)导弹(亦作 MX missile)




n.1.Mx (洲际)导弹(亦作 MX missile)

abbr.1.<BrE>(=Middlesex)2.The variant of Mx.

1.邮件交换记录 MU 毛里求斯 MX 墨西哥 MY 马来西亚 ...

4.马自达 R36 桑塔纳3000 MX-5 马自达3 QQ6 旗云 1 ...

5.邮件服务器同问邮件服务器(mx):( )这一项应该怎么添加? 分享到: 普通登录 手机登录 帐号 密码 记住我的登录状态 忘记密码?

6.混合二甲苯(Mixed Xylene)虽然混合二甲苯MX)的价格变化不大,与月初基本持平,但PX价格从1266美元涨至1368美元,也创下年内高点。究其原因…

7.邮件交换程式将邮件交换程式 (MX) 资源记录新增至区域 将别名 (CNAME) 资源记录新增至区域 管理您的个人档案 将主机 (A 或 AAAA) 资源 …


1.Just as a JVM requires a main method, a Flex apppcation requires a component that extends mx. core. Apppcation as the entry point.就像JVM需要一个main方法一样,Flex应用程序需要一个扩展mx.core.Apppcation的组件作为入口点。

2.You can use any of the host names or IP addresses that are associated with the MX records as the destination SMTP server.您可以将与MX记录关联的任何主机名或IP地址用作目标SMTP服务器。

3.Computer mice come in many shapes and guises but Logitech's MX Air is one of the first actually designed to "fly" .电脑鼠标现在的形状外观可谓是多种多样,但罗技(Logitech)的MXAir是首批确实能“飞”的鼠标。

4.Therefore, if the FQDN of the smart host points to an MX record, the psted smart host FQDN must be present in the certificate.因此,如果智能主机的FQDN指向MX记录,证书中必须存在列出的智能主机FQDN。

5.A MX records is an electronic set of instructions that routes email to your email server.一MX记录是一个电子一套指示路线电邮给您的电子邮件伺服器。

6.MX Skype Recorder is a tool that works in conjunction with Skype (and with other VoIP apppcations) for recording calls.Skype公司的MX记录是一个工具,协同工作与Skype(与其他VoIP应用)的录音电话。

7.A mail exchanger (MX) record for your mail server must exist on your external DNS server.外部DNS服务器上必须存在与邮件服务器对应的邮件交换器(MX)记录。

8.The car resembles its cousins, Mazda's RX-8 and MX-5 sports cars, in deploying huge arched fenders over the front wheels.它融合了表亲马自达RX-8和MX-5跑车的运动元素,在前轮上方使用了巨大的弧形轮廓。

9.While not quite perfect, the MX Air is an impressive device that PC owners should consider if looking for the ultimate rodent upgrade.虽然并不十分完美,但MXAir是个令人印象深刻的设备,如果个人电脑用户希望实现鼠标的极限升级,不妨考虑一下。

10.The mail exchanger ( MX ) resource record for the domain that you entered should be displayed .此时应显示与所输入的域对应的邮件交换器(MX)资源记录。