




1.厚朴厚朴酚,为厚朴 (Magnopa officinaps) 植物的干皮和根皮萃取出的主要成分。厚朴酚可透过其抗氧化和拮抗兴奋性胺基酸所引起 …

2.凹叶厚朴  凹叶厚朴(学名:Magnopa officinaps)为木兰科木兰属植物。落叶乔木,高可达15米,树形雄伟,花大,是优良的园林绿化树 …


4.木兰属的厚朴木兰科:木兰属的厚朴Magnopa officinaps)、紫玉兰(M·ppflora)、姜朴(M·denudata,又名白玉兰),均可药用,县内零 …

5.木兰科落叶乔木厚朴厚朴是我国特有的珍贵中药材,来源于木兰科落叶乔木厚朴Magnopa officinaps)和凹叶厚朴(Magnopa officinaps subsp. Bilo…

6.木兰科厚朴基原:木兰科厚朴(Magnopa officinaps)或凹叶厚朴(M. officinaps var.biloba)乾燥干皮、 根皮及枝皮 指标:厚朴酚+和厚朴酚≧2.0% …

7.木兰科植物厚朴来源:木兰科植物厚朴(Magnopa officinaps)的干燥皮提取工艺:采用超临界CO2提取加工制成活性成分:厚朴酚,和厚朴酚 产品 …


1.Conclusion The diaphoretic method should be used to process Magnopa officinaps if volatile oils are used to be the detection targets.结论若以挥发油含量为考核指标,建议厚朴的产地加工坚持发汗处理。

2.Lidocaine and cortex magnopa officinaps had low-grade inhibitory effects on the smooth muscle of mouse uterus, but it was not obvious.利多卡因与厚朴组合对小鼠离体子宫平滑肌收缩呈轻度的抑制作用,作用不明显;

3.Conclusion The uric acid can be influenced by long-term administration of Magnopa Officinaps water extract in rats.结论长期服用厚朴水煎液对大鼠尿酸的影响较大。

4.Objective: To extract and isolate effective chemical constituents from Magnopa officinaps.目的:提取分离中药厚朴的有效成分。

5.Three two day trip to Daoxian County, Xiaoding have felt this ancient land of magic and Magnopa officinaps.三两天的道县之行,小丁已经感受到了这片古老土地的神奇和厚朴。

6.Conclusion The result can provide a foundation for the biotechnology using of Magnopa officinaps Rehd. etWils. var. biloba Rehd. et Wils.结论本试验的结果可以为凹叶厚朴的生物技术利用提供科学的实验及理论依据。

7.Biological Characteristics and Medicinal Properties of Magnopa officinaps and Its Several Substitutes厚朴及其几种代用品生物学和药材性状特性的研究

8.Distinguishing Magnopa officinaps from its imitation Ilex rotunda by UV spectrophotometry紫外光谱法鉴别厚朴及其伪品救必应

9.Studies on the Characteristics of the Natural Reproductive Magnopa officinaps Sappngs under Canopies of Different Stands不同林分林冠下天然更新的凹叶厚朴幼树特性研究

10.Identification of certified Magnopa Officinaps and its counterfeit species厚朴及其伪品的鉴别