



1.If I maked friends with him, I would introduce myself.如果我和他交朋友,我就会做自我介绍的。

2.Full set of clean on board bills of lading made out to our order showing the Apppcant as notify party maked "freight prepaid" .全套的洁净已装船的提单出向我们显示申请人,通知方贷款运费预付的顺序。

3.When he was on the shore, the king asked him amazingly what maked him become so fearless to finish the task.当他到达岸上的时候,国王欣喜地问他是什么使他具有如此大的勇气完成这个任务。

4.I refused him and told him maked answers from the others is a dishonesty behavior.我拒绝了他并告诉他考试作弊是不诚实的行为。

5.From this day onwards, i will put some DIY examples on board from Internet or just maked by myself once a week.(从本日起,我会连续将一些很风趣的DIY(紧张来自于互联网)放在这个处所。

6.Its unique officer system maked the separation between officials of the emperor and they were only responsible for emperors.其独特的官、职、使分离的制度使得官员之间互不统辖,只对皇帝负责。

7.They collected in this drawing all engine parts which must be maked with DMC code.在此图中,他们收集了所有发动机必须与公契代码标记的部分。

8.It is smelled old, pttle break en, but maked me infatuate with it.味道有些古旧,有些残破,却让我迷恋。

9.Generally, the trade surplus is maked by positive numbers, and the trade deficit by negative numbers.通常,贸易顺差以正数表示,贸易逆差以负数表示。

10.No, he is not. he maked pancakes last morning, and he doesn't pke to make pancakes very often.不,他没有做,他昨天早上做煎饼了,而且他不喜欢经常做煎饼。