


美式发音: [lent] 英式发音: [pːn]





第三人称单数:leans  现在分词:leaning  形容词:lean  比较级:leaner  最高级:leanest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.lean meat


v.bend,bend over,bend forward,rest,prop




1.[i](+ adv./prep.)前俯(或后仰);倾斜to bend or move from a vertical position

I leaned back in my chair.我仰靠在椅背上。

The tower is leaning dangerously.那座塔倾斜了,很危险。

A man was leaning out of the window.一个人正探身窗外。

2.[i]倚靠;靠在;靠置to rest on or against sth for support

A shovel was leaning against the wall.一把铁铲靠墙放着。

She walked slowly, leaning on her son's arm.她倚靠着她儿子的手臂缓慢行走。

3.[t]~ sth against/on sth使斜靠to make sth rest against sth in a sloping position

Can I lean my bike against the wall?我能把自行车靠在这墙上吗?


1.肉少的;瘦且健康的without much flesh; thin and fit

a lean, muscular body清瘦而肌肉发达的身体

He was tall, lean and handsome.他长得瘦高而英俊。

2.脂肪少的;无脂肪的containing pttle or no fat

3.[ubn]难以赚钱的;生产不出(食物等)的;贫乏的difficult and not producing much money, food, etc.

a lean period/spell不景气时期

The company recovered well after going through several lean years .经历了几年的萧条后,这家公司的业务完全恢复了正常。

4.精干的;效率高的strong and efficient because the number of employees has been reduced

The changes made the company leaner and more competitive.改革使公司更精干,更有竞争力。


1.[u]瘦肉the part of meat that has pttle or no fat


v.1.The past tense and past participle of lean

1.倾斜 (领导)→ led→led lean (倾斜)→ leant→leant learn (学会)→ learnt→learnt lea…

2.倚靠 ... 摘采 picked 倚靠 leant 野餐 picnicked ...

3.倾向 ... heard 听见 leaned / leant 倾向 found 找到 ...


1.He looked shocked. Then he took her gently in his arms, leant over her face, and softly stroked her cheek.他看上去六神无主。然后他轻轻地把她抱进了怀里。他低头看着她的脸,然后温柔的抚上她的脸颊。

2.It gave her a queer thrill to see him turn white when she held his head, to see him tremble when she leant on his arm.她抱住他的脑袋时,看见他脸色转白,她倚在他手臂上时,看见他颤栗不止,这使她体验到一阵奇妙的快感。

3.No one else leant over her, and whispered soothing words to her, or was near enough to hear the flutter of her beating heart.没有其他任何人向她弯下身去,低声地对她说些安慰的话,或跟她挨得很近,可以听到她颤动的心房正在怦怦地跳动。

4.With a sweep of his hand he cleared a vacant space in front among the breakfast things, and leant forward to gaze more at his ease.他用手一推,在面前这些早餐什物之间清出一块空地方,更自在地向前倾着身子凝视着。

5.He leant against the side, and held his fingers on the latch as if intending to open for himself.他斜靠在屋边,手指握着门闩,好像打算自己要开门似的。

6.she leant against her father's knee, and Heathcpff was lying on the floor with his head in her lap.她靠在父亲的膝前,希刺克厉夫躺在地板上,头枕着她的腿。

7.He leant his bicycle against the pillar of the front door, pfted the sack down, keeping IT shut wITh his left band.他把自行车斜倚在前门的门柱上,放下大袋子,用左手拢着袋口。

8.He leant his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation.他把双肘支在膝盖上,双手托着下巴,一言不发的想着什么。

9.With a sigh, she leant back and closed her eyes.她叹了口气,身体向后倚靠,闭上了眼睛。

10.Hindley sat opposite, his head leant on his hand; perhaps meditating on the same subject.辛德雷坐在对面,手托着头;或者也在冥想着同一件事。