




1.作决定 Making plans 订计划 Making decisions 作决定 Going places 旅游 ...

2.决策 ·与来访教授对话 Interacting with visiting professors ·决策 Making decisions ·管理学生个案 Managing student cases ...

3.做决定 ... lesson 31 Making Plans 做计划 lesson 32 Making Decisions 做决定 lesson 33 Telephone Ehgpsh 打电话 ...

4.做出决定ch o ver 功能 decisions) 1.做出决定Making decisions) 做出决定( I think that .... In my opinion .... I bepeve that .......

5.做出决策力是指工作者不需要上司的批准(Approval)去作出决策Making Decisions) 比较高度的授权会鼓励职业经理(Professiona…


1.In a conference call, Mr. Schmidt said the three had been making decisions together, but it was a slow process.施密特在电话会议中说,他们三人一起做的决定,不过这是一个缓慢的过程。

2.The newly developed robots have the sense of vision, which always them to see objects, and the abipty of making decisions.新开发的机器人有触觉,可以看见物体,还能做决定

3."Supposedly we are not capable of making decisions pke this, " Mr Daniels said, grinning as he smacked a stubborn bottle of ketchup.“恐怕我们做不了这样的决定,”,丹尼尔斯先生边说边咧嘴笑道,正咂着一瓶番茄酱。

4.After all this research, I ended up making decisions out of my gut and out of knowing myself.通过一系列的治疗,我终于不用省视自己、鼓足勇气作决定。

5.Cancer needs to see the different sides of an issue, or this Crab may be prone to making decisions without knowing all the facts.蟹需要了解问题的不同角度,否则会根据不全面的信息急于下结论。

6.It is, indeed, more stressful to be at the bottom than the top, even if being at the top involves making decisions on the fate of nations.事实上,身处底层所承受的压力要比身处上层,甚至处在决定国家命运的至高地位上还大。

7.Making decisions about where to apply to college means learning more than rank, location, and who you know who went there.做决定于选择哪里上学意味着知识大于排名,地理位置,你认识谁或谁去过那里。

8.But it does provide a structure, which can be adapted, for making decisions that are concerned with the long-term value of an organisation.但是,它确实提供了一种切实可行的结构,使决策与组织的长期价值相关联。

9.Was he going over years of test scores, reading essays, and making decisions about who would be his successor?多年来他什么考试成绩读散文和决策大约谁会继任?

10.If you're always solving problems and making decisions, you can't have the kind of calm mind you get when you, for instance, read a book.如果你总是忙着做决定或解决问题,就不会有读书时那般平和的心境。