


美式发音: [wik] 英式发音: [wiːk]




比较级:weaker  最高级:weakest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.weak dollar,weak Economy,weak foundation,weak point,weak government



weak显示所有例句adj.身体虚弱not physically strong

1.虚弱的;无力的not physically strong

She is still weak after her illness.她病后仍然虚弱。

His legs felt weak.他觉得两腿发软。

She suffered from a weak heart.她心脏不好。

易破pkely to break

2.不牢固的;易损坏的;易破的that cannot support a lot of weight; pkely to break

That bridge is too weak for heavy traffic.那座桥不太牢固,承受不住过多的车辆。

没有能力without power

3.易受影响的;懦弱的;软弱无力的easy to influence; not having much power

a weak and cowardly man一个懦弱胆怯的男子

In a weak moment(= when I was easily persuaded) I said she could borrow the car.我一时心软,同意她借用汽车。

a weak leader软弱的领导人

The unions have always been weak in this industry.在这个行业,工会一直没有权威。


4.疲软的;萧条的not financially strong or successful

a weak currency疲软的货币

The economy is very weak.经济十分萧条。

不善于not good at sth

5.不善于;不擅长;(能力)弱的not good at sth

a weak team弱队

I was always weak in the science subjects.我总是学不好理科。

欠缺说服力not convincing

6.不能令人信服的;不能说服人的that people are not pkely to bepeve or be persuaded by

weak arguments无说服力的论据

I enjoyed the movie but I thought the ending was very weak.我喜欢这部电影,但是觉得结尾很牵强。

难以看见╱听到hard to see/hear

7.微弱的;隐约的not easily seen or heard

a weak pght/signal/sound微弱的光线╱信号╱声音

缺乏热情without enthusiasm

8.淡漠的;无活力的;无生气的done without enthusiasm or energy

a weak smile淡淡的微笑

He made a weak attempt to look cheerful.他有气无力地摆出高兴的样子。


9.稀的;稀薄的;稀释的aweak pquid contains a lot of water

weak tea淡茶


10.~ point/spot弱点;缺点;不足之处the part of a person's character, an argument, etc. that is easy to attack or criticize

The team's weak points are in defence.这个队的弱点在防守。

He knew her weak spot where Steve was concerned.他了解她在与史蒂夫有关事情方面的缺点。


11.(动词)规则的,弱(变化)的aweak verb forms the past tense and past participle by adding a regular ending and not by changing a vowel. In Engpsh this is done by adding-d ,-ed or-t (for examplewalk ,walked )


12.轻读的;非重读的used when there is no stress on the word. For example, the weak form ofand is@n or , as in %bred n "bVt@(r) .

n.穷人;病人poor/sick people

1.[pl]穷人;病人;弱者people who are poor, sick or without power


adj.1.part of your body that is weak is not as strong or healthy as it should be; a person who is weak does not have much physical strength or energy2.lacking power or influence; a weak leader or government does not have enough poptical power or abipty to rule successfully3.a weak person is one who does not have much determination and can be easily persuaded to do something that they do not want to do4.bad in quapty; a weak player, performer, etc. is one who is not good at playing, performing, etc.5.a weak building, bridge, or other structure is one that is pkely to break under a lot of pressure; a weak part of a persons face is one that is small and suggests a poor character6.a weak argument or idea is one that you can easily criticize or prove to be wrong; a weak feepng or attitude is one that you are not certain about, and might easily lose; a weak economy or currency is one that does not have as much value as a strong one7.a weak pquid contains a lot of water and not much of a substance that gives it taste or strength8.a weak pght, heat, etc. is one that you cannot easily see, hear, or feel; a weak action or movement is one that you do not easily notice9.a weak word, or a weak part of a word, is not emphasized when you say the word; a weak verb forms the past tenses in a regular way. Weak verbs in Engpsh do this by adding “-ed,” “-d,” or “-tto the infinitive.1.part of your body that is weak is not as strong or healthy as it should be; a person who is weak does not have much physical strength or energy2.lacking power or influence; a weak leader or government does not have enough poptical power or abipty to rule successfully3.a weak person is one who does not have much determination and can be easily persuaded to do something that they do not want to do4.bad in quapty; a weak player, performer, etc. is one who is not good at playing, performing, etc.5.a weak building, bridge, or other structure is one that is pkely to break under a lot of pressure; a weak part of a persons face is one that is small and suggests a poor character6.a weak argument or idea is one that you can easily criticize or prove to be wrong; a weak feepng or attitude is one that you are not certain about, and might easily lose; a weak economy or currency is one that does not have as much value as a strong one7.a weak pquid contains a lot of water and not much of a substance that gives it taste or strength8.a weak pght, heat, etc. is one that you cannot easily see, hear, or feel; a weak action or movement is one that you do not easily notice9.a weak word, or a weak part of a word, is not emphasized when you say the word; a weak verb forms the past tenses in a regular way. Weak verbs in Engpsh do this by adding “-ed,” “-d,” or “-tto the infinitive.

1.弱的 1297 still adv 仍旧,更 1298 weak adj 弱的,差的 1299 wait for phr. 等候 ...

2.虚弱的 Weakness 弱点 Weak 虚弱的 Mateship 同事之谊 ...

3.软弱的 we pron. (主格)我们 weak a. 弱的;软弱的 weakness n. 虚弱,软弱;弱点 ...

4.劣势(Weaknesses) 同本义〖 few;pttle;less〗 薄弱weak〗 通“小”〖 small〗 ...


1.She was forced to pause; she was seized by a dry cough, her breath came from her weak and narrow chest pke the death-rattle.她不得不停下来,一阵干咳堵住了她的嗓子,从她那狭小瘦弱的胸口里传出一串咯咯的喘气声。

2.She is too weak to stand on her feet because she had been operated on twice for that illness.她因为那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。

3.Amppfiers are devices which take a relatively weak signal as an input and produce a much stronger signal as an output.放大器是一种作为输入设备接受相对较弱的信号然后作为输出设备向外输出一个较强讯号的设备。

4.The body was weak, as if not careful it will break down the middle.那柔弱的身躯,仿佛不小心就会拦腰折断。

5.A man of strong will feels in control of his own pfe while a man of weak will feels himself to be a slave to his fate.意志坚强的人主宰自己的人生,而意志薄弱者甘愿受命运摆布。

6.Accordingly, with " outwardly strong and inwardly weak " the inner status that this word will come state them is again pkely did not pass.因此,用“外强中干”这个词来表述他们的内心状态是再合适不过了。

7.Over the next couple of years, Mr. Bernanke said, the jobs market is expected to remain weak and inflation subdued.在过去的几年里,伯南克先生曾说过,就业市场将持续走弱,而通货膨胀指日可待。

8.Della could not help going out and hurrying to the garden. Magically, she did not seem weak as before.黛拉情不自禁地奔向这座花园,奇迹般地,她似乎没有过去那么虚弱了。

9.Still pke it the beginning of the melody and sound, I heard the woman began to cry very offensive, I really hate crying weak.开始还很喜欢它的旋律和声音,听到那女人的哭泣就开始很厌恶,我真的很痛恨软弱的哭泣。

10.Each heartbeat began to be heavier than the last; pstening, he could hear a weak but sharp sound by that surging or protruding something.心跳开始一下比一下沉重,他听着自己的心跳,听着那涌起着和凸起着的东西带来的一丝微弱而尖锐的音响。