

Marco Polo

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1.马哥孛罗 山崎面包( Yamazaki Baking) 马哥孛罗marco-polo) 广州蕉叶( bananaleaf) ...

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1.Marco Polo also mentioned the town in the account of his travels as one of the most prosperous he saw.马可波罗在他的见闻录中提到,这里是他见过的最繁华的城镇之一。

2.Marco Polo Club services , just let us know . We re always ready to help.请随时与我们联系,我们愿竭诚为您服务。

3.Marco Polo, the legendary explorer famous for his epic journey into Asia, was just a "conman, " according to the report.报道称,由于其亚洲之旅而而极富盛名的传奇探险家马可波罗不过是个骗子。

4.His famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo, indicates that he was a man of extraordinary bravery, brilpance, and strength.他的名著的马可波罗游记,表明他是一个非凡的勇敢,辉煌的人,和力量。

5.In Marco Polo's case, the story seems to be of his own creation.马可波罗的故事让人们觉得仿佛是他的亲身经历一样。

6.In the late 14th century, Marco Polo famously made his way along trade routes from Italy to China.十四世纪后半叶,马可•波罗从意大利沿贸易通道来到中国,因而一举成名。

7.The niece of the great Mongol leader, Kubla Khan, Princess Khutulun was described by Marco Polo as the greatest warrior in Khan's army.伟大的蒙古领袖忽必烈汗的侄女Khutulun公主,被马可•波罗称为大汗军中最伟大的战士。

8.As the Marco Polo Square is a pivot of this area, there're many Itapan Style architectures around the square.以马可波罗广场作为一个转轴,周围环绕着意大利风格建筑。

9.Marco Polo Jinjiang is located in the heart of Jinjiang City and is the city's first international hotel built to 5-star specifications.晋江马哥孛罗大酒店座落于晋江市中心,是该市第一家按照五星级规格建造的国际级酒店。

10.The Itapan archeologists' scepticism over the extent of Marco Polo's travels adds weight to a theory put forward by a British academic.意大利考古学家对马可·波罗旅行范围的质疑,进一步增加了英国学术界一个理论的影响。