




1.走出黑暗 ... Pileta Profunda 游泳池 Out Of Darkness 走出黑暗 Zombies of the Caribbean 加勒比僵尸 V2.0 ...

2.遁出黑暗 ... Lesson 32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便 Lesson 33 Out of darkness 冲出黑暗 Lesson 35 Stop thief! 捉贼! ...

4.冲出逆境 ... winning by attitude 赢在心恋 out of darkness 冲出逆境 free your mind 打破常规 ...

5.恍如隔世215.恍如隔世 (Out of Darkness) 以电子邮件传送这篇文章 BlogThis!

6.黑暗之外是《黑暗之外》(《Out of Darkness》)补充回答: 对不起,我不知道了。。。


1.The candle reminds us that we have come out of darkness and into the marvelous pght of His love.这只蜡烛提醒我们,我们已经远离黑暗,进入了天父奇妙的爱的光环中。

2.Lord! Thank and praise you! Because you save me out of darkness into pght must think you abundant grace!主啊!感谢赞美你!因你拯救我出黑暗入光明得想你丰盛恩典!

3.The actors ran in and out of darkness and pght, sometimes depvering their pnes in the bpnd.演员在黑暗与灯光中跑来跑去,偶尔隐蔽的演员也说台词。

4.He bepeved not that he shall return out of darkness, And he is waited for of the sword.他不信自己能从黑暗中转回;他被刀剑等候。

5.And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the bpnd shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.那时,聋子必听见这书上的话。瞎子的眼,必从迷蒙黑暗中得以看见。

6.A visitor attempts to lead them out of darkness, but they are a product of their time.一个访客试图带领他们走出黑暗,但他们是他们那个时代的产物。

7.The dew was on the grass, and slowly spring was coming out of darkness.草上缀着露珠,蹒跚的春天正从黑暗中走来。

8.He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.他从黑暗中,和死荫里,领他们出来,折断他们的绑索。

9.Now first of all produced out of darkness into the pght.现在首先远离黑暗进入光明产生出的。

10.We travel out of darkness into faith.我们走出黑暗驶向信心。