




1.马丁·路德·金 4.约翰·韦恩( John Wayne) 5.马丁·路德·金Martin Luther King) 6.迈克尔·乔丹( Michael Jordan) ...

2.金恩博士.” 今天我说:“我也有一个梦,希望杨丽花快点拍 …

4.马丁路德金恩博士是马丁路德金恩博士Martin Luther King)的我有一个梦("I Have a Dream") XD"And so even though we face the difficulties …


1.How much formal authority did Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have?甘地和马丁。路得金有多少权力?

2.Great reformers from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King have urged America to pve up to its ideal of "freedom" .从亚伯拉罕•林肯到马丁•路德•金,历代改革家们都敦促美国实践其自由之理想。

3.She said she was honored to speak at the same historic spot as Martin Luther King Jr. .她说,她对能在马丁.路德.金发表演讲的同一个历史性地点讲话感到荣幸。

4.Martin Luther King Jr. quickly took charge of the movement, and with his eloquence and powerful philosophies, he was the ideal leader.马丁·路德·金很快领导了这场运动,而且因为他的口才和强有力的哲学观,他成为了一个理想的领袖。

5.It would be said, in later years, that Chicago was the only place in America where Martin Luther King learned the meaning of defeat.人们后来说,在美国,唯有芝加哥让马丁·路德·金明白了失败的意义。

6.As in the days of slavery, Martin Luther King found a message of equapty and brotherhood in Christian teachings.就像在奴隶制时代那样,马丁·路德·金从基督教教义中找到了平等和兄弟情谊的启示。

7.Reciting speeches by JFK and Martin Luther King was the beginning of my Engpsh career.其实,背诵美国总统和名人的演讲就是我英语教学生涯的起点。

8.Today, as we celebrate and commemorate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. , I say find your passion and then take a stand, " he said. "今天,就在我们纪念马丁·路德·金诞辰的时候我要说,拿出你的激情,明确你的立场。

9.Some others participating referred to themselves metaphorically as Martin Luther King Jr. 's children.到会的有些人也称自己是马丁·路德·金的孩子。

10.And a young preacher named Martin Luther King traveled here, to Accra, to watch the Union Jack come down and the Ghanaian flag go up.一个名叫马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKing)的年轻牧师来这里,来到阿克拉,目睹“米”字旗(UnionJack)降落,加纳旗升起。