




1.玛丽拜慈初中生妹妹玛丽拜慈Mary Beth)拒绝了学校的规定,坚持佩戴黑色臂章到校,结果被立即遣送回家,在他们同意学校不得佩 …

2.贝思玛莉?贝思Mary Beth) 在28 岁那一年,玛莉?贝思认为自己总算对那个“我是谁”的老问题有了把握。答案既 非登台之初略显 …


1.RITA: Can't you leave us alone for a minute? I'm just trying to make Mary Beth look good, Steven.丽塔:难道你不能让我们单独呆一小会儿吗?我正想使玛丽·贝思看起来漂亮点,史蒂文。

2.MARY BETH: You know, I saw you on stage once in New York. In The Longest Night. I thought you were excellent.玛丽·贝思:你知道吗,我在纽约曾看过你的演出。片名是《漫漫长夜》。我觉得你演得棒极了。

3.MARY BETH: Yes. My new baby-sitter handles the children more easily. The children seem calmer. They're more rested and better behaved.玛丽·贝思:是的。我的新保姆更会带孩子。孩子们看起来更安静了。他们更乖了,也更听话了。

4.MARY BETH: It was nice of you to meet me here. You're a good friend.玛丽·贝思:你能来这儿找我真是太好了。你是个好朋友。

5.MARY BETH: That was the best play I saw all year. You were very lucky.玛丽·贝思:那是我那一年中看过的最好的戏。当时你真幸运。

6.MARY BETH: You know, I saw you on stage once in New York.玛丽•贝思:你知道吗,我在纽约曾看过你的演出。片名是《漫漫长夜》。

7.MARY BETH: I think Jeff will pke this one: "Jeff Bennett plays the young reporter more convincingly than anyone on television. "玛丽•贝思:我想杰夫会喜欢这条:“杰夫•班纳特演的年纪记者比电视上任何人演得都要逼真。”

8.MARY BETH: Come on. Steven's easy to work with.玛丽•贝思:别紧张,与史蒂文一起工作很容易。

9.I'm just trying to make Mary Beth look good, Steven.我正想使玛丽.贝思看起来漂亮点,史蒂文。

10.MARY BETH: Steven, just a thought. If Diana is worried, doesn't she want some reassurance from Tony?玛丽·贝思:史蒂文,想想看。如果戴安娜很担心,她不是想从托尼那儿得到一些安慰吗?