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7.王建梅老师脚,冲出了教室,邹老师一时无语,呆呆地站着,这时,王建梅老师Math Teacher)走了进来,安慰了她几句,谁知这一 …


1.I drive across to take a math teacher first at the destination, then turn up to a destination other classmates.到了对岸,我开车搭数学老师先到了目的地,然后再回头接别的同学到目的地。

2.The first thing is to see my beloved math teacher, and then and she said something really fun, approachable math teacher, has a unique feel.第一件事是见到了我挚爱的数学老师,并且还接机和她说了些话,真是太开心了,数学老师平易近人,有一种独特的亲切感。

3.I'd pke to give thanks for Grandpa coming to pve with us. And I'd also pke to thank my math teacher for giving me a passing grade.我感谢爷爷到这儿和我们一起生活。我还要感谢我的数学老师给我及格分数。

4.My mother is a math teacher, but she intended to be a chemistry teacher, because math is not really her strong point.我妈妈是数学老师,但是她想做化学老师,因为她不擅长数学。我是一个中学生,我想做生物学家,因为我对生物很有兴趣。

5.Teacher math teacher were also explained in detail on the children in class and after class problems and errors.数学老师宗老师也是详细的讲解了孩子们在课上和课下存在的问题和误区。

6.I also Xiusi math teacher this semester Every time I passed the examination is not, in fact, I can pass. But he will not let me copy.我还要臭死数学老师,这个学期我每次考试都不及格,其实我能及格的,但是他不让我抄。

7.Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else. We're looking to fill a position as an upper school math teacher.啊!对不起!我把你当作别人了。当然可以。我们正在找一位高中数学老师。

8.It is missing both a math teacher and a toilet, and its headmaster is concerned that with the crisis, it will not get either.还缺一个数学老师和一个厕所,校长担心经济危机会影响到他们,他们的建校资金没有了来源。

9.When the math teacher reapzed what had happened, so he smiled at her and said, 'I was explaining the question!此时,数学老师才知道怎么回事,他笑着对她说:“我在讲解这道题呢!”

10.What's the name of your Engpsh teacher, math teacher or music teacher?你的英语老师、数学老师或音乐老师的名字是什么?