




1.我三 ... “me too, 我也想去购物”,因为 “me three, 我三”,说完就笑了起来,我和豆爸爸也忍不住大笑,豆豆居然对着我俩 …

2.算是蛮常见的说法 ... → asukaka:strong2 大你被拒绝了 09/05 15:06 → SuperLuffy:me three 算是蛮常见的说法.. 09/05 15:06 ...


1.Not knowing the different prices, nor the names of the different sorts of bread, I told him to give me three-penny worth of any sort.所以我就不计价钱便宜与否及面包的名称,我请他给我价值三便士的任何一种面包。

2.In return he gave me a room, he gave me three meals a day and a pttle pocket money.作为回报,他给了我一个房间,他给了我一日三餐和一个小口袋里的钱。

3.A year and a half ago my godmother, a wealthy old lady, died in Moscow, and to my surprise left me three thousand in her will.一年以前,我的教母,一个有钱的老太婆突然在莫斯科去世,她在遗嘱中给我留下三千卢布。

4.But, knowing what is human oil Juetu told me three, if you do not know, you should not to ask, continues to look.不过,知道什么是人油就跟我狂吐三下,不知道的也别问,继续看吧。

5.I should have gotten out of the way especially after you told me three times that you were coming! ?这是我的错,我应该让路的,更何况你已经告诉我三次你要来了!

6.It took me three wall-to-wall searches before I found a can nestled between boxes of cereal and bread, on top of some soup cans.我墙对墙的搜寻了三次之后,才在谷类和面包盒子的中间,汤罐头的上边发现了一罐。

7.It took me three years to grasp the roots of my interest: My quest to understand the fortune cookie was really a quest to understand myself.历经三年时间,我弄清了我如此着迷的真正原由:我对幸运饼的探源,实质上是对自我的探寻。

8.He said he had forgetten me three years ago.他说他三年前就忘了我了。

9."I'm not ready to die yet, " he'd told me three weeks earper. Now I think he was.三周以前,他对我说过:“我还没准备好死。”

10.On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Three French hens, Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.在圣诞节的第三天,我的真爱送我:三只法国母鸡、两只鸠、及一只站在梨树上的鹧鸪鸟。