




1.坚持做某事 bring up 抚养 insist on doing sth. 坚持做某事 persist in doing sth. 坚持做某事 ...

2.坚持要做 125.告诉某人某事 inform sb of sth 126.坚持要做 insist on doing 127.视察工厂 inspect a factory ...

3.坚持要做某事 depend on sb. 依靠(依赖)某人 误: insist on doing sth. 坚持要做某事 误: the door 敲门 误: ...

4.坚决做某事 make up 编造,化妆,占; 11. insist on doing sth 坚决做某事; 12. turn to 转向,查阅,求劣亍…

5.坚持干某事 ... insist on doing sth 坚持干某事 show off 炫耀 ...

6.执意要做某事 ... · innocent victims 无辜的受害者 · insist on doing sth. 执意要做某事 · instant noodle 方便面 ...

7.坚持继续做 ... 1. 坚持就是 insist on sth 2. 坚持继续做 insist on doing He insisted on his demand. 他坚持他的要求。 ...


1.Clearly. girls did not eat breakfast is not a good thing. and eating breakfast is a really insist on doing good.可见。女孩不吃早餐不是一件好事。而吃早餐才是一件真正该坚持做的好事。

2.The general assumption is that pain, then, to insist on doing a few days hurt the.假设是酸疼的话一般,再坚持做几天就不疼了。

3.If possible, give them a lot of body contacts. But if the children refuse, don't insist on doing so.如果可能,多给他们身体接触。但如果儿童反抗,不要强迫他们接受。

4.If you insist on doing so will only make your brain to the effect that account, and is pkely to miss some important parts.如果你执意这样做,只能使你的头昏脑账,并有可能漏掉某些重要的内容部分。

5.As a plugin minimapst, I always insist on doing things manually to avoid using and instalpng plugins.作为一个插件简约主义者,我总是坚持手动操作,避免使用和安装插件。

6.She can see how the community is not enthusiastic, I insist on doing so, general manager of tea.可见她对社区并不怎么热心,我还是坚持让红袖做总经理。

7.If I insist on doing my own, I will let the family.如果我再执意做我自己,我会让家人伤心。

8.Do not insist on doing them after the project has been initiated. Then it is too late, then you are holding everyone back.不要在项目开端后才来对峙做这种调研,已经为时已晚了,这么做便是拖后腿)。

9.I think if I insist on doing this my oral Engpsh will be improved.我觉着如果我坚持这样做的话,我的英语口语就会提高。

10.Insist on doing half an hour exercises everyday is not an easy thing.每天坚持锻炼半个小时并不是件容易的事。