




1.利玛窦 [天主教]耶酥会会士 Jesuit 利马窦 Matteo Ricci 礼部尚书 Director of the Board of Rites ...

4.耶稣会士利玛窦明朝耶稣会士利玛窦(Matteo Ricci)到中国传教,很多知识份子都相信了,连当时的宰相徐光启也不理会父兄反对,相信了福音…

5.利玛窦神父(本报讯)普世教会纪念耶稣会利玛窦神父Matteo Ricci)逝世四百周年之际,本地耶稣会团体七月三十一日祝圣新司铎和执 …

6.传教士利马窦在明朝万历年间意大利传教士利马窦Matteo Ricci)用中文编绘的《坤舆万国全图》上面,清楚标绘有瑞典的地理位置和轮廓 …


1.It was introduced to Europe by the Itapan Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to Latinise the name as "Confucius. "该思想被意大利耶稣信徒利玛窦传到欧洲,利玛窦是第一个用拉丁语翻译孔子名字的人。

2.We thought that Matteo Ricci could have introduced in this box the concept of the Good which overcomes the evil.我们认为利玛窦可能已将战胜邪恶的美德这一概念引入他的盒子系统中。

3.Matteo Ricci was an Itapan missionary sent to China in 1582. Once here, he studied the Chinese language and customs.利玛窦,意大利的耶稣会传教士,1582年来到中国居住,并学习汉语和风俗习惯。

4.The map created by Matteo Ricci was the first in Chinese to show the Americas.这幅由利玛窦(MatteoRicci)制作的地图是第一个用中文展示美洲的地图。

5.Matteo Ricci and others followed at the court of China.利玛窦等人随后在法庭上的中国。

6.This paper attempts to give some discussion on the map which may be related to Matteo Ricci.文章试图对这幅可能与利玛窦有关的地图加以讨论。

7.A Brief Discussion of Matteo Ricci and "Confucianism to the west"利玛窦与“儒学西渐”刍议

8.In 1601, the Itapan Jesuit Matteo Ricci reached Beijing. A new Cathopc community took shape.意大利耶稣会士利玛窦于1601年抵达北京并成立新的教友团体。

9.Or read the travel memoirs of Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit priest in the Chinese Empire of the 16th century.你也可以读读耶稣会传教士利玛窦(MatteoRicci)有关16世纪华夏帝国的游记。

10.Matteo Ricci was born in 1552 in Macerata in central Italy.利玛窦在1552年出生于意大利中部的马契拉塔城。