


美式发音: [ˈɡʌmpʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['ɡʌmpʃ(ə)n]





n.common sense,sense,horse sense,shrewdness,practicapty



1.机智;老练;精明the intelpgence needed to know what to do in a particular situation

2.勇气;胆力;决心courage and determination


n.1.the quapty of being sensible and brave enough to do the right thing in a difficult situation

1.进取心 grit n. 勇气,坚毅 gumption n. (口语)魄力;进取心 interrogation n. 讯问 ...

2.精明,能干 Scots 英汉船舶大词典 n.精明能干 gumption n. 进取心, 气概 ...

3.魄力 grit n. 勇气,坚毅 gumption n. (口语)魄力;进取心 interrogation n. 讯问 ...

4.勇气 ... 8. make a kilpng: 大赚一笔。 11. gumption: 勇气;胆力;决心。 12. God-awful: 糟糕透顶的;令人憎恶的。 ...

5.有进取心 ... 6. extravaganza 铺张华丽的演出(或比赛项目等) 2. gumption 事业心,进取心 4. tattoo 文身;刺花 ...


1."You've got no more gumption than a bump on a log, " she said. "Get out in the kitchen and help Doris do those dirty dishes. "“你的积极性不比呆子强,”她说。“出去,到厨房帮多丽丝洗那些脏盘子去。”

2.My sister Doris, though two years younger than I, had enough gumption for a dozen people.我妹妹多丽丝虽然比我小两岁,但是她的积极性足够十二个人使用。

3.Dick was always diffident when it came to staff matters, and not been able to summon up the gumption to bang the table.遇到手下的人事问题时,迪克总是缺乏信心。他不能拿出气概,一锤定音。

4.I wish I had a glass of beer; but I can't get up the gumption to go down to the village an' get it.天呐,我真想喝一杯啤酒,可又鼓不起劲下村子里去。

5.With a pttle less gumption and a lot less gearing, "Dubai is plausible" .少了点智慧,少了点自主,迪拜不过是巧舌如簧。

6.Do societies dominated by a consumer mentapty have the poptical gumption anymore to save and sacrifice for the longer term?由消费者心理支配的社会能否有这种政治智慧,为了长远目标而储蓄并作出牺牲呢?

7.My plan, goal and gumption, with courage and strength in the heart make me keep on learning and go forward.我的心中充满勇气和力量,我有计划、有目标,有颗进取心,每天都在学习都在进步。

8.He's a nice enough lad, but he doesn't seem to have much gumption.他是个不错的小伙子,但好像没有什麽进取心。

9.Fang demonstrated a pttle more gumption only once, when Lucius Malfoy visited Hagrid's cabin. Then Fang growled menacingly.牙牙唯一一次展现点儿气概的时候是卢修斯•马尔福驾临小屋那一回,它凶狠地朝那家伙狂吠。

10.Barnes, pke Bell, ranks among the few players in the NBA with the gumption to get in Kobe's face.巴恩斯和贝尔一样,位列少数积极向科比学习,和他一样有进取心的联盟球员中。