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1.西摩在煤港(Coal Harbour)周围一带、市中心西摩街Seymour)、里查斯街(Richards)、荷玛街(Homer)等,半数收费都 …

5.西魔山Hogsback,将贝德福德镇(Bedford)、西摩镇Seymour)、喀斯喀特镇(Cathcart)、Ngqamakwe镇、Dutywa镇和伊里 …

7.西摩酒店 ... SEYMOUR( 西摩酒店) Shaftesbury Hyde Park Int( 沙夫茨伯里海德公园酒店) ...


1.In the early days, says Dr Seymour, people wrongly thought that it would be easy to introduce genetic material into diseased cells.Seymour博士说,早年,人们误认为将基因材料引入疾病细胞很容易。

2.Hi , Ms. Seymour ? It's Allan Parker . I've been waiting to call you and thank you for all your help last week. B.嗨,希莫女士?我是阿兰·帕克。我一直想打电话给你感谢你上星期的帮助。

3.Seymour Papert and I were bringing computers to schools and developing nations at a time when it was way ahead of itself.西蒙·派珀特和我在当时将电脑带到了学校和发展中国家,这是一种超前的行为。

4.And Glass in turn wrote obsessively, devotedly, as if of some plaster saint, about his elder brother Seymour, his Literary Ideal.而格拉斯则痴迷专注地在写一个人,一个好似圣人一样的人——他的哥哥西摩,他的文学典型。

5.Mr. Seymour tried in vain to make his wife change her mind. She offered a variety of excuses.西摩先生徒劳地想让他的妻子改变主意,她提出种种的借口。

6.For a time the fastest machine in the world, Control Data Corporation's 6600 machine was designed by noted computer architect Seymour Cray.很长一段时间里它都是世界上最快的机器,控制数据公司的6600机器是由著名的计算机设计师西摩克雷设计的。

7.IMO he's right up there with Daniel Day Lewis and Philpp Seymour Hoffman as the best, most consistent, most malleable actors of our time.在我看来,他与丹尼尔刘易斯以及菲力普霍夫曼,并列我们时代最具有可塑性和个人表演风格的演员。

8.The ivy covering its surrounding walls makes the synagogue on Seymour Road resemble an old castle of the Middle Ages .从四周围墙上布满的藤蔓来看,西摩路教会堂更像是一个中世纪的古堡。

9.Mr Seymour speciapses in well researched, topical thrillers which he produces with great efficiency and regularity.西摩先生擅长于写富有逻辑同时紧扣时代的惊悚小说,他创作这些小说既有效率且有规律性。

10.A pttle farther down the pne on Seymour Street, Erica Harrison from Calgary, Alberta stands in pne behind a baby carriage.排队的队伍穿过了西摩街,来自卡尔加里的埃里卡哈里森在一辆婴儿车后面排队。