




1.玛雅历法 ... meditation ball 念珠 Mayan calendar 玛雅人的历法 open book 打开的书 ...

5.玛雅人有三种历法玛雅人有三种历法(Mayan calendar)。一种是365天长的太阳历,一种是260天长的仪式历法,这两种历法每隔52年会同步循环 …


1."2012" revolves around cataclysmic events that strike the Earth just as the Mayan calendar is coming to a close.《2012》是一部描写当玛雅纪年结束的时候地球即将毁灭的灾难性影片。

2.The conscious divine energy behind what you term the Mayan Calendar is independent of and vastly predates the Maya.在玛雅日历之后的神圣的意识能量是独立于并且早于玛雅文明的。

3.Surprisingly, the Mayan calendar also took a backseat and it was pttle more than a back story for most of the film.令人惊讶的是玛雅日历在影片中也占据了一个地位,不过只不过作为一个是背景故事。

4.The premise of the Mayan calendar was sequences and cycles in planetary and galactic events.玛雅历法的前提是行星上的次序和周期,以及重大事件。

5.Nasa insisted the Mayan calendar does not in fact end on December 21, 2012, as another period begins immediately afterward.NASA坚持说,事实上2012年12月21日玛雅历法并没有结束,只是另一个时期的开始。

6.alexanderenrico I think the end of Mayan calendar signifies an end of an era. next generation will bring about great change. Good I hope.我认为玛雅历法的结束标志的一个时代的结束。下一代将会带来巨大的改变。好吧,我希望。

7.It is the day of the mayan calendar, clock, "said a rebirth LingTian" , a new era, which is not the end of the world.那一天是玛雅历法中重新计时的“零天”,表示一个轮回结束,一个新的时代的开始,而并非指世界末日。

8.There have been many projected dates for the ending of the Mayan calendar, ranging from 1957 to 2050.玛雅历法的完结有很多预定的日子,从1957年到2050年不等。

9.Why does the Mayan calendar indicate a world end in 2012? Mayan astronomers were accurate in other planetary predictions.为什么玛雅日历会暗示世界在2012年终结呢?玛雅天文学家在其他行星方面都是预测准确的。

10.Many today bepeve that the Zeta Reticup messages actually refer to the Mayan calendar's cataclysmic event of 2012.现今许多人相信齐塔网状星系的讯息实际上是指2012年玛雅日历所指的大灾劫。