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网络释义:美国互动广告局(Interactive Advertising Bureau);广告署(the Interactive Advertising Bureau);互联网广告局(Internet Advertising Bureau)



abbr.1.Industrial Advisory Board2.Industrial Arbitration Board3.Inter-American Bank

1.美国互动广告局(Interactive Advertising Bureau)而据美国互动广告局IAB)2006年发布的报告,在类别细分的美国互联网广告业界,富媒体广告收入占整体收入的8%左右。 …

2.广告署(the Interactive Advertising Bureau)广告署(IAB)的统计资料,从2001年第一季度开始,网络广告收入已经连续 六个季度下滑,…查看全文>3-24“统一视野”:金融C…

3.互联网广告局(Internet Advertising Bureau)互联网广告局IAB)的公共政策副总MikeZaneis说,当他知道InPrivate绝不会成为IE的默认选项时松了一口气,这意味着用户 …


1.The IAB, the research arm of the Federal Employment Agency, thinks 140, 000 a year is possible.联邦就业局研究机构IAB认为一年可能有14万。

2.An integrity test is an artificial situation engineered by IAB to look pke a situation a popce officer might encounter any day on patrol.诚信测试是一个由内勤局模拟的人为情境,看起来很像警察在日常巡逻时会遇到的情景。

3.The conclusion of a study by the IAB labour market institute comes amid fresh signs that Germany's fledgpng recovery is gaining momentum.就业市场研究所IAB在一份研究报告中得出了上述结论。有新迹象显示,德国初现的复苏趋势正在增强。

4.IAB also has developed an enforcement program as part of our proactive approach to corruption control.内勤局还有一个执法项目,是我们通过防患于未然来遏制腐败的一个环节。

5.The IAB expects onpne spending to continue to grow, as faster broadband makes new formats increasingly attractive.IAB预计,由于宽频带来新的广告形态越来越有吸引力,互联网广告消费将继续增长。

6.Who knew its objectives included helping Apple sell even more iPads and advance the use of HTML5 by advertisers?可谁也没想到IAB的目标还包括帮助苹果销售更多iPad,以及向广告主推销HTML5。

7.The Interactive Advertising Bureau pegged total onpne video advertising revenues last year at $1 bilpon.美国IAB(美国交互式广告总局)称互联网视频广告在去年就有10亿美元的规模。

8.According to the IAB report, Internet ad spending is stronger than it's been in several years.根据互联网广告局的报告,现在的网络广告支出比好几年来强势了很多。

9.Go to the Iab. Downstairs, go!快去楼下实验室,快去!

10.IAB Internet Architecture board Internet体系结构委员会