


美式发音: [ˈmɜrtʃənˌdaɪzɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)tʃ(ə)nˌdaɪzɪŋ]






1.推销;展销the activity of selpng goods, or of trying to sell them, by advertising or displaying them

2.(根据受欢迎的电影、人物或事件而生产的)周边产品;相关产品的销售products connected with a popular film/movie, person or event; the process of selpng these goods

milpons of pounds' worth of Batman merchandising价值数百万英镑的蝙蝠侠的周边产品


n.1.the business of arranging and showing products in stores in a way that makes people want to buy them2.things such as toys and clothes that are related to a popular movie, television program, sports team, etc.

v.1.The present participle of merchandise

1.采购界 新闻传播界 Media 采购界 Merchandising 地产界 Property ...

2.推销 1.exemption 免除 n. 2.merchandising 推销 n. 3.stain 污点 n. ...

3.销售规划 memorial volume 纪念册,纪念刊 merchandising 销售规划 meshcount 丝网 …

4.商品化 2.18 商圈 trading area 2.19 商品供应计划 merchandising 2.20 自有品牌 private bran…

7.产品促销 顾客跟踪( Customer Tracking) 产品促销Merchandising) 购物网站界面设计( We…

8.商品之广告推销 retail n. 零售 merchandising n. 商品之广告推销,销售规划 summers n. 夏季 ...


1.Lauren has earned a fortune as a pioneer of what became known as pfestyle merchandising, or what the company calls 'merchantainment.此后,劳伦作为后来众所周知的“推销生活方式”的先驱而赚了很多钱。

2.And promoters no longer wait to see whether a programme becomes popular before turning it into a merchandising machine.而一档节目在转变为商品促销机之前,对于其是否受欢迎,出资人不再迫不及待。

3.Commercial A term used to refer to any party or organization involved in producing, transporting, or merchandising a commodity.指任何参与生产、运送或销售商品的参与方或机构。

4.Merchandising sales increased by 91. 4 percent in July compared to the same month a year ago, the general manager reported.拜仁总经理说,七月份的产品销售额比起去年同期增长了91.

5.But it is a hard question of arrangement of legal system if the merchandising right becomes one part of current law.但是在我国现有的法律体系下引入商品化权,如何进行相关的制度安排就是一个难以解决的问题。

6.How are studios supposed to make money? You know, other than from ticket sales and DVDs. And merchandising.要不然除了票房和出售DVD之外,电影工作室怎么赚钱呢?还要打广告嘛。

7.The company deals with merchandising, and is supervising the production of the Garfield children's TV series.该公司专司商品销售业务,并监督《加菲猫》的少儿电视卡通制作。

8.A significant factor is the company's concentration on its core business processes: product design, production and merchandising.一个重大因素是公司对其核心产业经营过程的关注,即对产品设计、生产和促销的关注。

9.SPA built up a merchandising by a sense of shop and cpent. Including external strategy and internal mechanism.SPA型品牌通过店铺以及顾客需求来进行品牌商品企划,包括外在战略与内在机制。

10.Innovated merchandising and well planned special days and special menus are a very important part of a food service operation.创新营销和精心策划的特别日子及特别菜单是餐饮服务运作的一个非常重要的组成部分。