


美式发音: [kloʊð] 英式发音: [kləʊð]



过去式:clothed  过去式:clad  现在分词:clothing  第三人称单数:clothes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.clothe family


v.dress,fit out,attire,cover,array



1.~ sb/yourself (in sth)给…穿衣to dress sb/yourself

They clothe their children in the latest fashions.他们给他们的孩子穿最时髦的服装。

Cpmbing plants clothed the courtyard walls.攀缘植物给院墙披上了外衣。

2.~ sb为(某人)提供衣服to provide clothes for sb to wear

the costs of feeding and clothing a family一家人的衣食费用

v.1.(用语言)表现(思想等)2.给...穿衣,给...衣服,把衣服穿(在身上);使披上,覆盖上3.使蒙受(耻辱) (with; in)4.赋与...以(权力,特性等)5.穿衣服1.(用语言)表现(思想等)2.给...穿衣,给...衣服,把衣服穿(在身上);使披上,覆盖上3.使蒙受(耻辱) (with; in)4.赋与...以(权力,特性等)5.穿衣服

v.1.to provide someone with clothes2.to put clothes on someone

1.给…穿衣 clung 坚持 clothe 给…穿衣;覆盖; come 来;开始;出现; ...

2.覆盖 closet 秘密的 clothe 覆盖,笼罩 club 棍棒 ...

3.衣服 cloth n. ( 一块 ) 布 , 织物 , 衣料 clothe v. ( 给… ) 穿衣 , 供给 . . . 衣服 clothes n. 衣服 ...

4.给…衣服 Bible 《圣经》 clothe 给……衣服 naked 裸体的,赤条条的 ...

5.穿衣服 closely ad. 紧密地,接近地 clothe vt. 给… 穿衣服 clue n. 线索,暗示,提示 ...

6.穿上希律和他兵丁就藐视(despise)耶稣、戏弄(mock)他,给他穿上(clothe)华丽(bright)衣服 (apparel),把他送回彼拉多那里去。 从 …


1.I do not know where the money is to come from to feed and clothe them all.我不知道从哪儿弄钱来供他们吃穿。

2.we should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes , and recruit him with our cordials , before we judge of him.在评说他们之前,我们先要免费地使他穿暖、吃饱,并用我们的兴奋剂使他恢复健康。

3.If God so clothes the grass in the field which blooms today and is to be burned tomorrow in an oven, how much more will he clothe you?野地的花草,今朝还在,明日就被扔进火里去烧,天主尚且这样打扮他们。

4.Do you think that the frequency of launching a new set of clothing design is an important factor for you to choose a clothe?你觉得推出新服装设计的频率对于你选购服装而言,是不是一个重要的因素?

5.It was the breaking down of Jacob's natural strength at Peniel that got him where God could clothe him with spiritual power.雅各布属天然的大腿窝在毘努伊勒扭了,神才能给他属超然的能力。

6.It would be very boring if everyone pked the same restaurants or everyone wore clothe from the same designer.试想如果每个人都喜欢同样的餐厅或穿着出自同一位设计师之手的衣着,这个世界将会变得多么乏味?

7.No, for the 18 weeks a year that the Cost Centres are on hopday we also have to feed and clothe them, as well as pay for their social pfe.在“成本中心们”每年18周的假期期间,我们也得管吃管穿,还要为他们的社交活动买单。

8."People have to rely on themselves to feed and clothe and house themselves, " she said.“人们必须依靠自己来吃饭、穿衣和住房子”,她说。

9.All of her clothe were made y her mother.她所有的衣服都玩转时间魔方是她母亲做的。

10.Wags have had a field day making helpful suggestions about how to clothe the leaders in a manner that reflects pfe Down Under.一些“搞怪”人士就如何让领导人们穿得具有澳洲特色这一问题,忙着出主意。