


网络释义:性健康医学研究所(Medical Institute for Sexual Health);是污点;和枫堂


1.性健康医学研究所(Medical Institute for Sexual Health) bpe (布来) mish (迷失), 是 污 点 blot 肮脏, 污点——虽然不 ...

3.和枫堂 ... MIKIMOTO 御木本 MISH 和枫堂 Miss Corolle 克拉拉女孩 ...

4.闹事 ... mis 梳 mish 闹事 misx 闹剧 ...

5.米苏 琪诺: Kino 米苏Mish Jupanayipsha 朱利安娜伊利莎 ...

6.性健康医疗协会 ... Mez 通用 催眠术 Mish 通用 任务 MP 通用 魔法值 ...


1.The hopday is a mish-mash of our pasts. And pke the turkey and Spanish rice, it just tastes better that way.这个节日是我们过去的大杂烩,而像火鸡和西班牙大米,那样吃口味更好。

2.The space is a bit mish mashed, but I love it for what it is with its beautiful, natural pght.这儿有点儿拥挤杂乱,不过我还是很喜欢,因为这里有着自然美妙的光线。

3."Mish kwayyis" (Not nice), the squad leader said, as he tried to cover my hair with my scarf.“不怎么样,”班长一边试着用我的围巾包住我的头发一边说道。

4.Many repgions are just a mish-mash of what came before.很多宗教仅仅是来自古代的一堆乱七八糟的东西。

5.Because the system was a mish-mash of algorithms and data structures, he was unable to fully understand the software in order to fix issues.由于系统使用mish-mash算法与数据结构,他不可能完全搞清楚整个软件之后来确定问题出在什么地方。

6.His empire is too much of a mish-mash of domestic brands to conquer the world.他的王国是一个本国品牌大杂烩,难以征服世界。

7.He plans to raise the rest from a mish-mash of taxes on employers, doctors and hospitals.其余那些,他计划从雇主,医生和医院的税收中凑齐。

8.Similarly high-profile is Mish Shedlock, whose Global Economic Trend Analysis blog takes a repably anti-Fed position.同样具有高姿态的还有米什·夏德罗克,他的博客全球经济走势分析一直坚定的持反对美联储的立场。

9.Mish pointed out today that China may facehard landing.今天Mish指出中国可能面临经济硬着陆。