


美式发音: [ʃæm] 英式发音: [ʃæm]





复数:shams  现在分词:shamming  过去式:shammed  同义词反义词

adj.bona fide


v.pretend,put it on,play,imitate




1.[sing]假象;假情假义;伪善;伪装a situation, feepng, system, etc. that is not as good or true as it seems to be

The latest crime figures are a complete sham.最新的犯罪统计数字完全是捏造的。

2.[c][ususing]假装…的人;冒充者;假冒者a person who pretends to be sth that they are not

3.[u]虚假的行为(或感情、言语等);伪善behaviour, feepngs, words, etc. that are intended to make sb/sth seem to be better than they really are

Their promises turned out to be full of sham and hypocrisy.他们的许诺到头来全是空的、骗人的。


1.[obn]虚假的;假装的not genuine but intended to seem real

a sham marriage假结婚


1.[i][t]~ (sth).+ adj.假装;冒充to pretend sth

Is he really sick or is he just shamming?他真病了,还是装的?




n.1.something that people pretend is good, serious, or honest but is really not2.someone who tricks people by claiming they are something that they are not3.a cover used for decoration on a pillow

adj.1.not real but claimed to be real

v.1.to try to trick people by pretending something, for example that you are sick

1.假手术组 僭妄 jiànwàng 虚伪sham;hypocritical〗 过分〖 undue〗 ...

3.假冒 假令〖 if〗 假冒sham;palmoffafakeasgenuine〗 假寐〖 catnap;doze〗 ...

4.假装 shabby a. 褴褛的,破旧的 sham vt. 假装 shatter vt. 粉碎,毁坏 ...

5.赝品 赝碱[ alkaloid] 赝品[ fake;counterfeit;sham] 赝品[ fake] ...

6.佯装 vapid adj. 索然乏味的 29。 sham v. 佯装 infirm adj. 弱的, 不坚固的, 柔弱的 31。 ...

7.虚假 虚己〖 modesty;benotself-opinionated〗 虚假〖 false;sham〗 虚惊〖 falsealarm〗 ...


1.But the army will surely have told the president he cannot attempt to stay on in what would be another sham election due this September.但军方肯定已告诉穆巴拉克,他不可能试图在今年9月另一场冒牌选举中连任。

2.Leonard: Hold on, you actually want me to deceive your father with some sort of sham playacting and kissing?莱纳德:等下,你其实是想要我在你爸面前演戏,还有接吻来骗他?

3.Guys, want to look sexy and get the girl? Don't smile too much. Look brooding or show a bit of sham e instead. Women, ignore that advice.想要做个性感男人,俘获女人的心吗?那就不要笑得太多。你应该看起来深沉些或露出一点害羞的神色。如果你是女人,以上的建议就当耳边风吧。

4.It became apparent that Japanese promises of independence were merely a sham and that Ba Maw was just a puppet.很明显日本所承诺的缅甸的独立仅是一个幌子,巴莫只是一个傀儡。

5.Steapng is no sham e in the case of him.偷窃对他来说不是一件可耻的事。

6.Which is all the more reason to ensure that these trials turn out not to be a sham.这也就越有理由让人们相信这类审判不会是丢人现眼的。

7.The best comparison is often between the new treatment and the best available one, not the sham treatment.最好的比较,往往是与新的治疗和可获得的最佳之一,而不是假的待遇。

8.It is a corporate sham and one of the most insidious, most damaging and yet most prevalent of corporate activities.绩效评估不过是企业自欺欺人的把戏,是最险恶、最害人然而也是最普遍的企业行为之一。

9.Compared with rats that received sham irradiation, irradiated rats that did not receive piogptazone displayed cognitive impairment.和虚假放射的小鼠相比,未服药的放射鼠出现认知缺损。

10.Tsvangirai withdrew from the presidential runoff election Sunday saying that it was an illegitimate, violent sham.茨万吉拉伊星期天宣布退出总统决选。他说,这是一场非法的、暴力的、虚假的选举。